You may be wondering what a vintage memory is.
I'm sure somewhere you have one. You know, one of those things you either treasure, try to find, hang onto, when others think you need a one way ticket to the loony bin for keeping such.
I thought of this while wheeling around on my souped up riding lawnmower.
Hey ,so it's not really souped up, but this is the closest this grandma will get to 4 wheeling on her own.
Now ,if we discuss four hoofin' on her own, why that is a horse of another color !
(just check out my farm funnies blog)
The iron wheels in the photo above are a vintage memory of one of my Grandpas, I have several vintage memories. One is a rocking horse cookie jar. Another is a melted Sweet Sue doll I treasured all my growing up years.
Sweet Sue is melted, because we had a house fire several years ago what can I say?...she melted.
One tangible vintage memory, I had to let "go".
Dare I tell you I actually buried her remains? She was such a devoted friend and travel companion, she bravely accompanied me on nearly all my travels as a child (a few times she was "packed" and had to suffer the "indignities" in a box at my Grandma's, Sweet sue dolls couldn't fly to Alaska, for instance. As silly as it may be to others, I simply couldn't bear the thought of putting her in the garbage or hauling her in a pile scheduled for the dump. Yep ,she got to rest her "weary" remains, in a very pleasant "spot" under a special tree.
I was thinking of such things as I "roared" past my future lawn seat. Something I envision from a unique rig my Dad had concocted to drag behind an old car ,to level the ground after disking it up (now part of where I was mowing, many many years later. I thought how no one on the planet, would treasure that item, or see the hidden potential in it. I thought yep, others would have hauled it away. I further thought I couldn't bear too, and why was that? Lap number 2 on the lawn and THEN I realized a golden truth,
On my second third or fourth "run about'. I could let go, I really could. Aha, I thought .
Growth, healing, has happened. I suddenly was actually realizing it wasn't the memories I would "lose". I will always have such. It is the lost dreams. ( you know, the woulda,coulda,shoulda)
To part with something that holds a memory/dream, sometimes a distortion can occur. I wanted things to be different with my Dad, it was never going to happen (well short of a miracle, and yes I do believe in them) but now that he has been gone for almost 17 years, it truly, just will never be.
Now ,I am not consciously dwelling on such, just reflecting and well perhaps even ignoring such most of the time. However, I think some of this "stuff" lingers just under the surface of our conscious thoughts, , it depends on how we have dealt with them, that various problems may occur.
Herein lies the tragedy, we wish,long for , dwell on, or even "put" such out of mind (well ,can't be done, but we think it is) and we miss something of value.
.......NOW..... and now ,is the start of tomorrow.
Yes ,I will keep that future lawn seat, I can see it in my mind . But I now have different reasons, now , I don't have to, I don't need to hold onto what was never there, nor was ever going to be there. As the saying goes, I will carpe 'diem , every single moment we have left on this planet as pie al'a mode. Even if there is a bit of rain, we can dance and sing in the rain. (and hubby knows this gal still loves to splash in puddles too)
Look at some of your vintage,antiquated "memories".
Are they memories, or unfulfilled wishes?
Getting the right picture, putting it in perspective, then DOING what is needed.
Perhaps some of those "memories" need to be put AWAY, perhaps some need to be filled with forgiveness. Only when we forgive can we be free. Perhaps a few may need some restitution, or even an old fashioned repentant heart. Most of all, look at what you really want, what your dreams and goals really are, then have a pie al'amode day and go forward.
May your days be golden, full of wonder, renewal, healing .
Cut away the old anchor to a vintage past of empty ,fruitless, distorted "dreams" ,unfurl the sail to the winds of thew future ahead of you, to what can be, I know you can do it :-)