Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you find you wake up rumpled in spirit, dreading another long day?
Do you find your mind on overload with worries?
Are you so concerned about our economy , you can't rest?
Here are some very practical solutions that have worked extremely well for me for years.
It doesn't matter what the "issue" is...
My sleep "aide" is wrapped around a very simple principal...
The source is tucked inside a small black book (mine is actually burgandy)
No doubt you have a similar one, it may be bigger or even smaller.
Inside this book there are a few written lines.
It says, and I quote
"He will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee."
There are many similar verses:
how to find perfect rest
how you can be protected from harm, danger
where to get strength
how to deal with danger
..just to name a few...
How does one keep your mind stayed on Him?
What to do when your mind seems to be turbulent with
unresolved issues (with work,family,spouse,child..whatever),even pain.
Here is what I have found to work consistently.
There are a few "troubles" it may take a little longer time to fall asleep,
but the same principal will apply.
#1 Start singing, not just any song but the old time gospel ones, such as Jesus ,Jesus ,Jesus, sweetest name I know...There is Sunshine in my soul today... He walks in the garden alone...
just get one of the old fashioned hymn books and find any song that has words singing about Jesus...I have my own personal theory about why this sleep "aide" is so effective, but that is for another post....I kid you not, There is Something About That NAME ( a name of another song , if you didn't know that)
#2 this is possibly even a more effective sleep "inducer"
start praying...the talking to God ,about anything ,kind of praying.
If you find you can't there are several possibilities of why...
a. You may not really know Him, you may know about HIM, but that is not the same
I know how to turn an oven , but I don't really KNOW about electricity.. and if I haven't
taken time to learn or study ways to cook , I won't know how to use what I have available
to me.... so if this is you find some one to ask or just pick up that "book" (the BIBLE)
and start in what is called the book of John...( kind of in the middle)
b. you know Him, but you are what is called :out of fellowship
this is like having your oven turned on, your meal in "there", but not having the stove
plugged you have no power...
c. you may be in a deep valley...sometime when everything else is 'right" there can be
times when the way is so dark and suffocating...hang on, he who stands and waits
(hanging on ) also such times I have simply uttered i am sorry i can't even
pray...and just well was wordless....
I also have a theory of why this 2nd sleep 'aide" is so powerful...
briefly, I believe we each have a purpose, at your core being you know this too, and when we reach out to the Divine, we face opposition...
My merry heart sings even louder : Praise Him , Praise Him...Jesus our blessed redeemer,
Sing oh Earth His Wonderful Name Proclaim...
(a little FYI...if you experience more difficulties in any form,
I would suggest you may have hit an oppostion "nerve" and thus you may need some support...i.e. someone who is a little more experienced with
opposition tactics..
if you are on your own, just ask out loud , God I need help..
then look up different words ( listed in what is called a concordance in the back of your Bible ) that come to your mind as you ask for help, the answers are all in there...
I can promise, because it has already been PROMISED they are...
for fun read my recent post at farm funnies
Need SLEEP ? Try Grandma's Feather Bed..
a couple of helpful links
Dr. Charles Stanley - Anxiety
Controlling Your Thoughts - Charles Stanley
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It's what's inside that matters, so have a heart...

You've all heard how you are not to judge a book by it's cover, right?
Funny, how often we tend to do that.
How much does that happen when meeting people?
A lot I think,
Here a whole auditorium laughingly looked at Susan Boyle , fully expecting
her to "flop", did she ? Now it's your turn to "judge" ,be careful...
Let this video be a reminder as you meet people wherever you go, and have a heart.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring time Trillums, bloom where you are planted..

It's spring time, my Trilliums ,daffodils, violets,johnny jump ups and snow bells greet me everywhere I go...
How about you? Can you hear their joyous words of cheer?
This morning one of my clients shared with me how she is in a lot of pain right now, but she
was working hard, she had already done 5 loads of laundry and had been on her feet all day.
Her motto sounds much like mine, despite current constant pain in my neck right now, I get busy and just tackle what needs doing...we both put our focus on the joy and beauty around us.
There are times it is tempting to "give up", but really would that be any better?
I remember the words from Joni's friend (in the book Joni) when she wanted to give up ... you can have a 5 min pity party ,then get on with it (well something to that effect)
click here , Joni and Friends to see Joni's smiling face and learn more about her, then click your back arrow to return here.
Joni is amazing , she learned to paint with her teeth holding a brush.. talk about rising above
The next time something hinders you, limits you or discourages you, why not get a handle on it? Perhaps like Joni ,with you teeth if necessary (kind of like biting the bullet isn't it?
Put your focus on something funny or of beauty and be encouraged,refreshed and renewed.
Find a copy of Hinds Feet on High Places, perhaps would have a used one at a good price, it is probably out of print now.
Then like little much afraid, learn to bloom where and how you are planted...
Learn to be like my spring flowers, full of springtime cheer and beauty
despite the frozen ground and spring mud they pushed their way up through .
They bring joy to those around them (well those who look for joy) and so can you.
Many blessings