Thursday, June 18, 2009

Little known family facts , a tribute to Bob Bogle

All of us have some little known family facts don't we?

Well here are some of mine:

I just wrote a tribute post for my cousin Robert at my farm funnies blog
most of the world knew him as Bob Bogle,lead guitarist and co founder of the Ventures.

I wrote my post mainly for my own kids and other family
members , but my family facts contain good memories ,so I am sharing them with you
my readers and followers.

Here is a link to my tribute post

What holds you back? Where are you headed?

The road is ahead of you and you are wondering what lies around the corner.
Do you know what would hold you back,once you round that corner?
Do you really know who and what you are?
Do you have the resources to become who and what you are destined to be?
Do you have pain,regrets,indecision,sadness,that seeks to engulf or hinders your travel?
While, as a professional health and business coach, I can share tools and ways to reaching your dreams goals, I cannot "fix" the inner struggles, and misbeliefs , you know...all the negative
things that a person acquires during a lifetime.
I want to share video that could help clear up a lot of such "stuff",
why not check it out... and if you need a health or business coach, contact me for a free
consultation .