Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This is your life,know the choices & choose well

You can call a rose by any other name ,BUT it will still be a rose.
Our lives are rose "like".
You can say (to yourself and perhaps to others)
It is all xyz's fault I'm not thinner,wiser,richer etc.
You were born in the wrong century or on wrong side of the "tracks"
You missed out on various "advantages" or social "placement
You didn't have the"right" parents or environment.
No matter what you call "it" any problem is not a problem.
In reality whatever you are facing is simply...YOU....
thus the solution(s) begins in can do it, whatever you choose.
Long time followers of my blogs, know I base my life on sound Biblical principals
I heartily recommend you look there for your best answers.
I also heartily recommend anyone you choose to give you advice,council or support
be one who bases their life principals and values on the solid Rock of Biblical principals too.
It doesn't take a very long "venture" into history to learn how a society "evolves" with out holding true to their core values .
Societies who stray from these principals,
whether they personally believe in God or not ,decay and eventually become pretty much extinct in some form or another.
I find it not only sad, but I think it pity our founding fathers would have a hard time "recognizing us now.
Let this little history "foray" enlighten you to not following "suit".. Be the BEST you can be
no matter what.
Light a candle in your life, don't hide it under a bushel, look at your dreams, your goals, hold them high despite what inner voices may be "whispering".
Formulate a plan , commit to do something positive... for YOU,,,your dreams... your goals.
You are worth it!
Start now,no matter how small you start.
Today,right now, choose what you REALLY want.
If you don't choose,the choices will be made without you.
As for me, I choose to do what I REALLY want...
Now go ...You can do it, I know you can...I belive in you... :-)
What is your biggest challenge?
What is your dream?
What do you REALLY want?