Is the path before you dimly lighted, or the night before you seemingly, long, dark and forboding ?
Have you had some hard knocks and either lose your way or forget who you are?
It can happen to the strongest person, it can happen so slowly that you don't recognize it for what it is...the robbing of your inner core, your essence,
your you...the unique you who you were created and destined to be..
Time will continue, how will you continue in the march of time?
Do you choose to remain shackled by the devastative blows of the past, the lies,
the enslavement to living an untrue existance, one that is not you?
Does it matter whether your prison guard is food,weight,some bad habit that has made your world turn into a nightmare, a bad choice, perhaps you feel trapped in some situation or environment..but are you really?...
What really can steal your being? Your spirit? What do you choose..yes choose to let control who you are,how you react how your future will be?
Watch this short video , it was sent to me by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes
You can watch a life transformed before your very eyes, in this video... it is only 15 min. This could be you, can you open up your heart and eyes to the possibility?
WHO are you...really ?
The link below isn't allowing you to simply click on it.
You can cut and paste it into your google browser. It took me a while to learn how to do this, but it is very easy once you know how..ask someone to show you if you don't know how.