My last post had a gorgeous picture about the universe,
I have a couple more to share, I don't know who either painted or took them.
But they fascinate me.
Open your eyes to new horizons today, whatever you are doing, think big, think win,
think..yes you can...
Someday I will create a painting such as these, but I am currently in the middle of a jungle scene, so I'd better "whack" my way through the vegetation with my paint brush and finish it.
Until then I will enjoy looking and dreaming, and as in my crazycritter blog, be ruminating on my space painting :-)
A suggestion if you are "stuck"
Set your eyes on a star, aim for it, you may hit a tree, but if you only set your eyes on the tree, you may never get off the ground ( I received this chinese proverb in a chinese fortune cookie , some 30 years ago, and I've carried it with me to remind me to keep looking up...
WOW, no matter what ...no one except God knows tommorrow, so no matter what obstacle, even health seems to be getting you down. Look up ( one of my favorite Bible verses) Look to the Mountains, from whence cometh your help, you help cometh from God.
I can attest to the fact, even if a Dr tells you...you will never get "better", improve, etc...that isn't necessarily so... one day at a time and why not pie a'la mode and go for it :-)