Sunday, August 3, 2008

Creation... Let there be Light...

(unknown photographer or artist)
I was fascinated with this picture, I love the colors, the beauty, the lift to the imagination.

I was also fascinated with this recent forward from a friend. I clicked on the link and listened to the audio reading in the King James version, I closed my eyes and sensed a great balm of peace upon listening to the WORDS...of chapter one of Genesis. I liked the voice of the reader, I am not sure if the reader is the same for other translations. I happen to enjoy the reg king James version the best. I plan to listen every day.

I have read through the entire Bible ,many times and I find it intriguing to listen my way through , on a daily basis. Why not join me ?

I created a special file specifically for this link , so I can readily click on it, anytime I wish

click here... scroll to the bottom and click on listen to the Bible, here you can click on your favorite version .

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