It was a beautiful day, in all ways.
We both were taking many photo's and I saw my daughter taking pictures , in the distance,of what appeared to be a pile of rocks.
Upon closer observation I saw this, and had several ideas for new posts.
It has been a bit since I've written any posts in either my farm funnies or here at merry heart,
and so much has transpired.
We as a nation have a new president, and no matter what side of the camp we are on,
not only is the matter decided for us now. As a nation many are also finding their selves in financial upheaval, pressures, problems.
Hope to renew hope, look to the true source of hope eternal God in Heaven. He not only keeps our universe in tact, lets the sun shine, gives us air to breathe, He truly cares for us.
He cares about your hopes, your dreams, your problems. He can and will help, if you let Him.
Just as the water in the above photo bubbles up out of the ground through rocks, and overflows
to the surface. Focus on God and His truths . He can and will be the source of your hope eternal
and just like the water, your heart can be full and overflowing again.
I have been very busy , in my businesses , home and farm ,as well as gone a lot recently, plus having a fried computer (oh joy).
I haven't had much time , to let my fingers fly across the keyboard to hopefully encourage and enlighten your hearts, but here are a couple of extremely encouraging and enlightening talks
I caught part of on one of my long car trips. I've not had time yet myself to finish listening to them, but I want to share them now since I've recently had several e-mails from some discouraged and depressed friends, perhaps these talks can encourage you as they have me.
the program I heard was titled protecting teen girls from lies 2 as below, forget the teen girl title
Play Now
part 1 of the above
Play Now I found the program part that I was able to catch, fascinating and very applicable to my own life, forget that it says teen girls, listen for the truths in this message no matter your gender or age. That is my approach to life in any arena. you can also click on http:/// for other programs
Current click on listen to this series from the beginning then click on the title,
Supernatural Phenomena between Heaven and Earth
I also plan to listen to the following program soon, (click on current etc as above)
Wars and Rumors of War
as well as clicking on this link it sounds intriguing, we all need a safe haven in our marriages
no matter how long we've been married.
And if you are single, hey that is great, the same principals apply in most areas, so don't do like a couple of complaining single old ladies I knew when they heard a talk on marriage, that they were upset since nothing applied to them, Ha, we can always extract truths for our own lives if we so choose. Why else would the Bible say even animals could be our teachers? They certainly don't know about human struggles ( or do they ? ) but if you know how to listen they have lots to say .. Just watch my alpacas and they can voice volumes of thoughts and some with spit !
Enjoy, grow, heal and have a great day, hug someone or hey find an alpaca (though they aren't the hugging type, a warm fluffy kitty might be a better idea :-) )
Building a Safe Haven in Marriage 2 Secret to Whole-Hearted Love 1
Posted: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 09:50:56 GMT
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