Snow equates to making donuts, here on our little farm. (donut u-tube link below)
I have some wonderful new
recipes to try thanks to Ed
Ed is a professional donut maker, I loved watching him make donuts on his u-tube.
So much in fact ,I decided to purchase his professional donut course.
It is something I've considered doing for about two years , but I am not planning to be a professional donut maker, so I thought it was a bit extravagant of me to do that.
What is life anyways, but to occasionally to do something extravagant, not for any particular reason, but just because.
When our children were little I used to plan a very merry
un birthday party ,just because.
Because we occasionally needed something different, a break, or something to look forward to.
I remember one dear Aunt told me to do something nice for myself occasionally.
I took her words to heart.
Why did she tell me that, you may wonder.
While I was a young stay at home mom, and my hubby was working and going to school to get his degree.
I was engulfed in childhood lingo, surrounded by sesame street "gigs" .
My Aunt reasoned ,that as stay at home moms, one seldom hears good comments about a job well done, gets a raise or a bonus , generally you get a lot of static !
To keep ones chin up sometimes the hearth nurturer needs her own nurturing, and thus sometimes one must do that for oneself.
Perhaps like me your family is all grown now. Perhaps you are going through some family struggles,
financial upheaval with our economy. Perhaps you just need a change.
Perhaps (also like me) you are engulfed in your own home business: if so remember you are the "boss" so remember to reward your worker "you" occasionally
What ever your situation, depending on what your budget will allow
do something just for you, maybe stop for a moment , find a comfy chair, have a lingering cup of coffee, while you go to Ed's link and watch him make donuts.
Then why not opt in to his link to
receive free donut
Ed doesn't know me, though we've e-mailed a couple of times about my donut questions.
He sounds like a hardworking ,great guy . I love to help others and share good things.
So it snowed today, it's donut weather and how best to share donuts than Ed's u-tube.
Make an occasion to make yourself , and the family some special donuts.
What about your neighbor ?
Enjoy ... Giving is special, and sometimes you need to give to yourself ,as well.
If you don't have snow, well FAKE it and make some anyhow :-)
Ed's link
crazycritter part is adding this donut "course" too , I couldn't resist :-)
Muppet Show - Swedish Chef - making donut