Friday, April 30, 2010
Something "happens" in your life....
It can become an obstacle ..just like this tree that fell on the ground.
We could have removed it,but we didn't..
The rains came, the cold winds got cold..the ground froze ..the snows came.
This tree frozen in a small pond of water ,actually looks kind of pretty.
If more snow were to have come and buried it, it could have become dangerous...
Your emotions are like this tree.
Once standing tall and strong, something happened...
you didn't know what to do, so you let the wind ,rain come and the snow "cover" them...
Letting the "snow" to continue to pile up.. there can be a danger to your health...
If you have read some of my past posts, you will remember that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine..LAUGHTER is healing.
While a "snow" job may "help" to cover hurts ,
may provide a temporary solution or enable you to prepared for a possible "melt" down or worse.
If you let the "snow" pile up, you may be "piling" up dangers or damages to yourself...
There have been many articles written about how many diseases etc are linked to STOP, evaluate..just where are you? Do you have a "mote" or a "log"
that needs some "tending?" Maybe you are blinded by all the snow..ask a trusted friend to listen ( I mean LISTEN w/o "helping"..)
Here is a simple technigue to try for yourself and possibly help you get "unstuck"
If you have an obstacle or seem "STUCK"... close your eyes,
GIVE yourself FREEDOM to validate how you feel.
Notice where "it" manifests it's self (pain or a sensation) ..
relax breathe "with" it..
when feel "it" "letting go"( the pain or sensation not as intense)
STAND up & reach for the sky !
Slowly bend over , letting yourself "hang" a sec,
slowly round yourself back up to a standing position,
THERE now doesn't your "load" feel a bit lighter?
Repeat if "it " is hanging on, or when the next "rain" comes..
until like an onion the layers of pain & or emotion "peel" off of you..
WOW, now you are "cookin'" ( onion pun!)
Now you are ,can get/do/be FREE)
If you are unable to let the layers release you may want to consider councelling..
A (good)councellor can assist you in getting to the root( dealing with the past)and trust me there are some "lousy" ones out there.
A (good) coach (ditto for "coaches" so check who the are with)
They can assit you with : ok thats what got you "stuck" ..
NOW do ..YOU... WANT to move forward, ( dealing with the present & future)
My prayer is for each of you reading this to BE FREE to BE who you were designed to be ..WOW >>> look at you go ....
If you would like to receive some coaching contact me.
I will assist you in finding a "match" for your personal coaching.
I am in a coaching community.
Many of us offer a 15 min complimentary call.
This is see if we would be a "match" for you.
If not we know of others we will suggest ,to you, who may be.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Tributes to Red Skelton & John Wayne & their patriotism
(I apologize for whatever reason this post didn't allow live links
you can cut and past them into your browser to view,then back arrow to return for the next one)
Red Skelton
I always loved watching his shows
not only did I enjoy his funny show
My heart was always warmed when he said good night
to his audience and said God Bless...
I so wanted to hear my Dad say something like that
I never did..
Red brought laughter into our home, he showed us how to
view life in the eyes of others,
he showed us how to be creative
and he showed us how to make an ordinary day have fun in it
as we were shown how to remain young at heart.
Mr.Skelton with his winsome ways also taught vauable lessons
Below are links I wish we would all remember and share
John Wayne
..he rode into my heart as a true hero
and of course he had horses..and we all know how I love horses
We don't have enough hero's, and those we have are often overlooked
or not recognized...steadfast loyalty to raise a family
during difficult times or through life challenges and tradgedies
this takes true heroism...
There are never enough horses...I just read an article ..
a horse a day keeps the Dr. away...I agreee :-)
this is a beautiful redition
you can cut and past them into your browser to view,then back arrow to return for the next one)
Red Skelton
I always loved watching his shows
not only did I enjoy his funny show
My heart was always warmed when he said good night
to his audience and said God Bless...
I so wanted to hear my Dad say something like that
I never did..
Red brought laughter into our home, he showed us how to
view life in the eyes of others,
he showed us how to be creative
and he showed us how to make an ordinary day have fun in it
as we were shown how to remain young at heart.
Mr.Skelton with his winsome ways also taught vauable lessons
Below are links I wish we would all remember and share
John Wayne
..he rode into my heart as a true hero
and of course he had horses..and we all know how I love horses
We don't have enough hero's, and those we have are often overlooked
or not recognized...steadfast loyalty to raise a family
during difficult times or through life challenges and tradgedies
this takes true heroism...
There are never enough horses...I just read an article ..
a horse a day keeps the Dr. away...I agreee :-)
this is a beautiful redition