Green for growth in the year 2008, why not grow a merry heart with me this year ?
Really there is light for the end of your tunnel...
First we need a seed to plant... for now some hope, and a pleasant memory.
We need good soil in our hearts... for now the hope for a better tomorrow.
Some good rain... thinking on a past pleasant day, or perhaps watching a funny movie. Maybe rent an Old Danny Kaye movie such as our kids' favorites: Court Jester or Walter Mitty. Or how about Jimmy Stuart in It's a wonderful life ?
Some warm sunshine... look at the real beauty around you. Even clouds in the sky have beauty.Read something of value to inspire you... perhaps one of the Chicken Soup For The Soul books.
Why doesn't it matter? Because for NOW it doesn't.
Some warm sunshine... look at the real beauty around you. Even clouds in the sky have beauty.Read something of value to inspire you... perhaps one of the Chicken Soup For The Soul books.
Now. How to start ? Let's start with some warmth and of course a merry heart. This will give us hope, renew our dreams and let us aspire to reach our desires and goals.
All of us started about the same, we all came with baggage, and depending on what life dished out for us, some may now have more baggage than others. It doesn't seem fair, and for some of us the hurts go beyond what seems humanly possible. I have been there myself. The amazing part is that each of us have been given the power of choice. What we do with our choices, our dreams, our lives is up to us.
I know some of you may be saying, "But you don't know what I endure - how black my tunnel is right now..."
Perhaps not precisely, unless I've personally met you and you have shared with me, but by that same token, you likely don't know what my dark tunnels of life have been either.There are a few out there who think they know my trials, but do we ever really understand the depths another person goes through? I think not. Even my husband of nearly 40 years who has been my closest friend, even he doesn't completely know and understand me, nor I him. And surprisingly, the more we know and understand, the more we realize we really don't know and understand.
To coin a phrase we heard repeated numerous times from someone who boldly lied before a judge, during our most recent tribulation "It doesn't matter"...
I found myself crying inside and shaking my head in great sadness and total shock about the denial by this person (who happened to hold a position one would expect total truth from) saying he had never said what he did and that if he had, it didn't matter. He had said it and it did matter.
What I learned from this, is that both statements are true. It does matter ( I will go in depth on this in future posts) and...
Why doesn't it matter? Because for NOW it doesn't.
The past we have no control over. What has happened, has happened. However, we can consciously or unconsciously allow events in the past to control us.
What should we focus on? The past? What has or has not happened, been said or left unsaid, forgiven, forgotten, or still seeping the poison of pain, regret, remorse into our very souls? Should this be our focus?
Or should it be the future? Fresh, new, full of hope and promise, fulfillment of our lost dreams. If we will just take heart and look for them, and bless them with our support and freedom to grow.
Can you let it go? The pain, the hurt, the bad memory, the injustice, the lost hope, the betrayal?
For just 1 day? For just 1 hour, or even just a minute?

Just for today, find some time for yourself. Alone, place your hand on your heart, think of some pleasant memory, perhaps a favorite pet, some kind words. If you have not had any kind words spoken to you, then
imagine me saying you are very special and have much to offer. If you are a critter lover, imagine one of my cute kittens sitting in your lap contentedly purring up at you, content to have your loving touch.
At one very down part of my life, firmly believing in a simple plaque made by a little child, made a difference for me. I found myself holding onto its simple truth repeatedly over the years...
Just for today, find some time for yourself. Alone, place your hand on your heart, think of some pleasant memory, perhaps a favorite pet, some kind words. If you have not had any kind words spoken to you, then
imagine me saying you are very special and have much to offer. If you are a critter lover, imagine one of my cute kittens sitting in your lap contentedly purring up at you, content to have your loving touch.
At one very down part of my life, firmly believing in a simple plaque made by a little child, made a difference for me. I found myself holding onto its simple truth repeatedly over the years...
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. ~Proverbs 17:22
This simple verse was made out of outdated pills on a little wooden plaque by one of my children while in a camp craft class. It has encouraged me many times. I remember one very down day, trying to smile while looking in the mirror, repeating these words to myself as tears from so deep inside were flowing painfully down my face. I felt as if I would suffocate... yet I chose to believe those words. I can assure you that yes, a merry heart doeth good. Just hold on tightly, even when the way is dark.

If you happened to be there, you wouldn't have to imagine Katie or Roo putting out a warm tongue, licking the palm of your hand to assure you that you are loved and special.
Even if you didn't know it, you would be special to me. That is why I go with these heart melting buddies of mine...to warm hearts and hopefully bring joy. A remembrance of a feeling of worth to dear souls who either are, or perhaps feel they are forgotten or unloved.
For a brief moment, imagine that love is given to you wherever this blog happens to reach out and find you. You are special and you are of great value. No matter what the past may be trying to convince you of otherwise. Perhaps you can hang on with the verse in Proverbs that helped me. Perhaps as I did, with a mournful smile at yourself in a mirror, you can find the strength to say these words outloud to yourself, trying to allow the seed for a merry heart a chance to grow.
For 2008, give the seed for a merry heart as a gift to yourself and give healing a chance to begin,
thus letting hope send down a tiny root.
I think this is enough for one day -to open up your heart and allow a fond memory just warm you. Breathe in deeply as you do this for just a minute, with your hand on your heart. Do this throughout the day, several times, and remember that what a person thinks becomes a part of us. Until tomorrow, a warm loving smile from me and an equally warm slurp from Katy and Roo...
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