Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shakin' it...move it, do it today NOT tomorrow...

Shakin' it over at my http://bettyscrazycritter.bogspot.com/ , can mean a variety of things.
Our pet turkeys are a prime example of good shakers!
Today I really decided to shake it up a bit.
I added tribal dance to my busy day. Something I've been wanting to do for some time
You know , the ...tomorrow I'll do it , start it, make it...
applying my own advice from a recent make it a 10 post, today was "the" day...

If one is not careful those tomorrows roll into a week, a month, a year, a lifetime.

What have you been planning to do, start ?

Here are some of my new 'starts"...
I just received my new home business guide from my business associate Alicia and I am so excited for her, it is a fabulous home business book. I can hardly wait to finish reading it.

I just had a new and excited coach ,join my health coaching team...I can hardly wait for them to earn their cab bonus...wow..

I just finshed day one at my new tribal dance class...my muscles are telling me , umm you shook us up, a bit, "we" think you could have waited until TOMORROW...


Now it's your turn.

What do you want to shake up a bit?

Perhaps I can assist you, be it your health, weight, finances, personal or spiritual growth
My passion is to empower you to succeed, e-mail me at betty@bettyframesuccess4u.com

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