Saturday, March 7, 2009

mars and venus , slay the dragon.

Aww fudge, Oh fudge, yum fudge, is "food", well chocolate is considered one of the four food groups I've heard :-)...more importantly right now the photo of this pan of fudge was in my pictures and thus it has become a "symbol" for food in this post.
Now that we have that defined, remember this magic. Food is the way to a mans heart.
I do believe there is much in that saying. I know I sure worked hard to learn to become a good cook after I was married. I also learned there is more to cooking than just following directions or simply aspiring to be a good cook. Part is practice, part is a husband who doesn't notice the burned edges and says yum while he undoubtedly has to hold his breath to swallow said burned dinner.
Now that the way to a man's heart is defined, I have bigger fish to fry : what is a man anyways?
What makes them so very different ?
Since there are so many good books on such , yep I've read more than my fair share,trying to understand, so I won't even try to go into that for this post. I'll just give you an easy (for me :-) ) link to learn more about the differences.
Love and Respect Reflects over at AbbaStories . The author of this blog has a link to the Love and Respect's blog, I haven't checked it out yet but will soon. I am greatly impressed with the authors of this blog book by the same title.
Here is what I find an interesting question.
Why is it men, who can sit reading a newspaper,with the television on, not seeming to really notice the tellie ? At the same time the kids can be dismantling the
a squawking cuckoo clock , while they fight over the proper dismantling methods. The washer is going bananas with an lopsided load of clothes. Unfortunately you are within hearing range but up to your neck in the middle of something that you can not easily put down . Hubby cannot hear your desperate plea for intervention of the cuckoo fest.
To me the most interesting part of this, is what happened to occur to me.
Dragons, yes Dragons. Didn't men use to go slay dragons? How on earth did it ever happen? Here is what I couldn't quite wrap my brain around. How, when almost bedlam can be going on within the walls of a home, and I know mine isn't the only one this scenario has occurred in, having been a personal witness to many other such "other" world "sitings" again HOW did the man ever survive?
If they don't hear the noise rampaging within the "castle" walls all about them, then how did they ever hear the noise of a dragon who was lurking in the forest or whatever?
Here is the "deal" , I discovered today.
When the man , who is king of the castle, is IN his castle, his guard is lowered.
Hopefully he is at peace, he is at rest, he is regaining the fortitude to go out and win another battle...tomorrow.
May the king have some quite,peace and as in the movie taming of the shrew, may he find ease...and watch out cuckoo, Mom can't help right now...


Becky Frame said...

Aha! Dragon slayers! It is the man's ability to focus on one detail at a time that makes him both oblivious to cuckoo fests and capable of slaying dragons. A woman would get distracted by the chirping in the nearby forest, and the dragon would slay her! :)

If you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti by Bill and Pam Farrel. Excellent, comedic read about the wonderful, divine differences between men and women.

Betty said...

I laughed when I read your comment. I't quite possible ,in the dragon slayer realm, I would have been a goner long ago. I not only hear the chirping, but the faint rustling,hmm perhaps even the worms sighing. I haven't read the waffles and spaghetti yet, so thanks for the suggestion.