Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas..Check your lists, and do some reflecting

I love Christmas,
One might wonder why,because
as a child besides the gifts and wonder ,it also brought enough pain to nearly overshadowed the joy of Christmas.
I vowed to myself it and other things would be different for my kids.
I didn't know,then, how much grown up "stuff" could get in the way.
Work,pain,interpersonal relationships,family adjustments , personal "growing up"struggles , financial "grief" (out of work ,no money),disappointments( deeds and words from others seemingly bent on destroying any joy you have, in even simple things..words sure can cause deep wounds can't they?)

Then there are the ghosts (memories) of Christmas past( I grew up in a heaven/hell home environment. My mom loved and served God, my Dad was at war with God .
Dad both loved and hated Christmas (and Christians,even his own kids) sadly my dad 'celebrated" it with way too much alcohol.
Dad ,most often ,was a violent abusive drunk.

Like water seeping into a"wounded" boat hull , these "ghosts" can sink and destroy you ,if you don't keep bailing , make temporary repairs or do like I did, and get a whole "new" boat(below)

MAN overboard...that's how one can feel during what should be the most joyous time of the year...forgetting that even the Angels sang for the birth of Jesus.

If you feel overloaded,pressurized,depressed,scroogie (hey ,all the pressure of commercialization alone, to 'get" us to buy,shop,give ,donate,can overwhelm one if you let it)

Then there is the prep time: cleaning (why did our kids and now our dogs get sick AFTER,a newly cleaned carpet?) cooking, wrapping, stuffing, decorating( just finding the stashed "stuff"to decorate,can be frustrating)

I remember one year when our kids were still in grade school, I was headed towards a
KISS Christmas( otherwise called: keep it simple stupid, or perhaps STOP the "insanity". a KISS approach to anything ,if you're not careful can quickly be like throwing the baby out with the bath water, before you know it ,at Christmas time ,you become what else... scroogie..

Better watch out scroogie I "am " headed your way.
I was tired, plus I was in the "gopher" stage (you know this stage I bet)
either your kids or your friends are involved in this program, that play etc and who is the main "go-for it" and do for them? You got it, MOM or good friend... YOU...
That year it was ME.. as I was desperately trying to be the Christmas"hostess twinkie" mom in her "spare" time" .
( the Hostess twinkie mom ,does it all perfectly ,everyone smiles and adores her.

A good movie example ,depicting...we are all "happy",working together...find and watch lilies of the field starring Sydney Poitier )
There I was TaDa: the greatest twinkie mom failure ,or so it seemed to me at the time,nothing was going perfectly, just where were those smiles? and it felt as if every one didn't adore me.

I was discouraged ,especially with all of the to do's, the expectations( both a good share of which happened to be my own): our kids wish lists were long and money was L-O-N-G "gone"

Plus I was overwhelmed with all of the commercials squeezed between the Christmas specials the family loves to watch . M-O-O-M.."hey I WANT that" or "guess what schoolmate so and so " is getting or already "got"...UGH!

Something happened, in the twinkling of an eye...no not a "quiet" in the house mouse, umm was "it"an accident?
No, it was a simple holiday movie starring Jimmy Stuart that "happened" to come on .

The movie ,It's a wonderful life, inspired me at a time I was struggling with great pains, emotionally and physically.
I felt as if my life really didn't matter,(little do we know, right? )

Next happening to clinch the "deal".. a ladies Christmas tea ...
yep, one more "go-for""thing & place . I could barely drag myself there,
I debated on not going.
I am so glad I went. The visiting missionary shared how they celebrated Jesus's
birthday BIG time...they went all out,because our God is special.

Then I remembered WHY I loved and celebrated Christmas .
I am ever so thankful for someone so special and wonderful who came into my life ,year earlier, with a precious gift:

At nine years of age I met Him, Jesus . I wanted to live for Him because He died for me.
I remembered ,Jesus had paid a humongous price for the worlds first Christmas GIFT,
a King's ransom, in fact.

But He gave His own life, not just for the world , perhaps more importantly I remembered this expensive gift was "just"for ME too.
(to really receive a gift one must accept,"open" and use it,by the way)

I accepted this rich gift of John 3:16 and "opened" my gift (Romans 10:9&10).
I also chose to follow in Jesus's footsteps as well as other heros who chose to do so :
Ruth, Ester, David, Joshua and Caleb (Joshua 24:15, is one of my life 'threads") .

Even as a young girl I chose then, come what may, I would follow.
Sometimes I felt like I was eating those heart words, but thankfully was reminded ,when I need reminded most, I am in THE race and on the Winning TEAM , with a host of "folk" cheering me on.

They are there, even when I stumble ,trip , fall or even during those times I have been "shoved" down into a pit (on purpose by someone who hates me. I am in good company though,because he hates God and especially Jesus too) .
Nearly all of my hero's are listed in what is fondly called by those who know about it,the "hall of fame: (Read Hebrews 11 in a King James or new King James version of the Bible for the most accurate translation)

Christmas is also now my time to reflect and my time to think about the coming New Year..
what would I do differently,what did I miss, forget, wish I could do over.. I start getting my "list" ready for my New Years appraisal and revision.
Thus ,I am keeping my list and checking it twice, not just for Christmas but for each coming
New year too.
You "got" this post today because...as I was checking my list for what I need to do and make during the remaining days before Christmas.. what do you know ,an elderly dog I am babysitting, while the owner is away for Christmas, just became incontinent..did I "need" that?

This dog is so sweet , and he was very embarrassed so I "simply" added to my to do list.

I chose to take the time and take him with me to "visit" our wonderful vet, and design and make him a doggie diaper. NOW he feels better and I can ,with Joy, get back to my list.

To compensate for the time 'crunch" this extra to do created on my list, I'll cross off a few things that really don't matter.
A few of those those extra "hostess twinkie" mom 'things' .
I love this dog ,even though he isn't mine ,and he needed my help.

I am remembering ..the perfect gift is love , love gives where it is needed.

Stop , look and listen... where is love really needed around you?
Your loved ones, the neighbor, the helpless, the lonely, perhaps the hungry birds outside, or a sad, embarrassed faithful ,man best friend ,even if his heart belongs to someone else.

(another great movie to watch is the gift of Love starring Marie Osmond)

May you enjoy a very special and blessed Christmas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas road trips? Dangers in your "good" tires exposed

Please watch this short video about the hidden life threatening dangers that are possibly lurking in your "good" tread tires. This could save your life or the lives of those you love.

I plan to crawl under our car as soon as it is light enough outside and see if I can decipher how old my car tires are..or maybe I'll let my guy do that , since I'm not using the car today :-)


here is a link for Canada's standards, I've not watched this one yet

Have a blessed Christ-mas

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2010...if not why not..what is holding you back?

TIME OUT.... take a little "time out" for yourself that is....

If at all possible plan for a night at the beach or someplace where you can be "free"
Free to just be you...and time to rediscover what your true passion is...did you lose it?

Who are you? What do you really want?
Where will you be at this time next year IF you don't do what is needed?
What is needed? Bottom line it is ACTION....what action?

I just finished reading a book written by Dee Henderson.."Before I wake".
I was surprised with learning a NEW ? truth..
( I'd previously read this book some time ago,how did I miss this?.

I believe truths are like an onion sometimes.. some we learn layer by layer )
Personally I've made great strides in personal growth since Jan 2006...
It was the year I lost over 100 lbs(and 1st time ever in a lifelong weight 'battle"
I was able to maintain that loss..YAY)
I came out of homemaker mom"retirement"( our kids are all grown,so I was finally doing "stuff" previously denied...self stuff,like art etc...)
I successfully started a home based business,which creatively allowed some supportive type businesses to come "on board".
We began building our dream home...all such creates more "stuff'

As most of you know making great strides in any given area,especially concerning personal growth...there can be some considerable growing "pains" encountered.

Like me ,you might discover you are "stuck" in a given area.
why? why do "others" move on,grow,expand,do yada yada? you keep searching for something that you can't quite put your finger on...you are not dumb,you do work at "it' ,you are open, you do 'want". you "got" THE BIG dream...(like "they" tell you to have)
TIME OUT...what is going on deep inside?

While reading Blackstock's book (again) page 253...HIT me....
"I'm tired God, deeply tired inside where hope tries to live...."

Perhaps you are "stuck" because deep inside you are fearful "this" won't "work"
This "diet", business venture,program, procedure,relationship...

IF you continue,your subconscious is possibly the "one" who is getting in your way...
"thinking" for you. ALL the BETTER to "protect" you (my "dear")so "it" says...
so you won't "FAIL" and then become the victim when HOPE really dies !

Hang onto your hat...take that TIME OUT...
Look in the mirror and tell (out loud..we believe what we hear)
the would be naysayer "it" doesn't REALLY understand things
NOR does "it"really KNOW you all that well...

Exhale the neggies out ,Breath in deep rich FREE now is the time air.
Give yourself FREEDOM....freedom to BE,to DO, to GROW

( while not a star trek fan I love Spock's line...LIVE LONG & PROSPER)
What is it that you need to LIVE LONG & (really)PROSPER (not just $$) ?

Watch for some upcoming posts either here or at my farmfunnies
I will be sharing a number of creative ideas about things to do...

Perhaps you already know what would allow you freedom to live long & prosper
GREAT...then if not why not?

2010 ready or not...here we come...I'm ready...are you?
p.s. if you "fail" no biggie...your hope won't die..
It can't unless you let it...we get to choose.
There is an abundance of true life examples all around us.
People demonstrating how to thrive,when by all appearaces they "should"
up and "fade" away...
CHOOSE to aim for the moon/stars...if you fall short ..why just dust off
and "shoot" again..starting TODAY.
Never give up,never surrender,never say die...
why? because I know you can do "this", I BELIVE in you....
(besides if you sit "still" and you don't take that step,pull that bow string back do that?
you'll not budge very far...will you?
Then next year...same time, same place ,same ? is that what you REALLY want?
extra p.s. do you need a lil' help?
e-mail me at betty@bettyframesuccess4u.com to set up 1 free 10 min phone consultation
(I know...I NEED to figure out some of this computer "stuff" ...why because I love YA..
and BECAUSE I have some great systems to do so
(thanks to Ann, Alica &Mike :-) ... )
and yep my blogs are not that "polished" , why?
because these were originally set up for friends/family(especially grandkids) and fun..
I still love to do them...
However, they've grown ahead of my computer skills... :-) sigh... yay....