Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Joy,Joy, Joy,wholesome fun Christmas movies for you and the kids

Merry Christmas from our home to you,

The following movies have been enjoyed each year for many years in our family
may they begin a new tradition in your family too..

Have a blessed Christmas enjoying them
then for fun go to and click on her music geek Christmas moment
I love this song, and it is done in a MERRY way :-)
(when you watch part 1 you can click on parts 2 & 3 at u-tube to finish)
How the Grinch stole Christmas
Charlie Brown Christmas
Garfield Christmas
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carole
and one of my very favorites,
We focus on the Gift of Love
and this movie is such a good representation of sacrificial love.
you might be able to find a complete copy of it somewhere I hope.
Till you do let these clips enrich and warm your hearts
I love the song so much, I am truly overwhelmed each time I hear it.
now this clip isn't about Christmas, but it is precious
Edith Ann's sandwich

The night before Christmas, a wonderful life, REALLY

Actually I'm writing this post in the wee early dawn of the night before Christmas

Many memories flood my mind of Christmas's past
Some ,at the time, were overwhelmingly heartbreaking and sad

Some were frightening,or overwhelmingly laced with either tragedy,crises,fear
or even as Anne of Green Gables expressed: in the depths of despair
Yet through it all, a golden thread...God's marvelous grace,His providential watch care.
All these many years later,I can more readily see the simmer of it ,woven through all the things allowed in my life.

A recent comment on one of my posts , caused me to once again remember one long ago Christmas, when I felt at the end of my "rope". Thankfully I do not recall the things leading up to my pit of despair. and despite an encouraging husband, I was overwhelmed, standing on the brink of overwhelming depression, one that to me was insurmountable and like the black hole in space.

I remember thinking how useless my life seemed to me, teetering on the edge of how all would be better off without me in so many ways, and yet trying to give my best, for the holidays to our young brood.
I now have an idea of some of the triggers that promoted the depths of the despair
but the focus of ones life is not what causes one to spiral downward, but the salvation.

That year God brought me face to face with my personal haunts with a simple movie.
So many problems that seem insurmountable, that if dwelt upon,breeds further despair and hopelessness. No where in my reading the entire King James version of the Bible cover to cover over 9 times , are we admonished to dwell on the past, or our circumstance :what led up to them, what they currently are ,or the possible outcome of them.

However over and over we are to confess (what and when we have done wrong) make restitution (if needed) and to repent (agree with God and turn 180 degrees away from whatever) Every year I learn more about what true repentance is, and just this morning
have more insights. Every struggle we are either facing,struggling or overwhelmed with, I believe can be summed up and dealt with under the illumination of what else? The basic 10 commandments.
Yep ,as antiquated and socially or politically incorrect as it may be, to read and worse ! Believe in them, I sense herein lies many of the solutions to so many of our current problems, and I sense in greater ways than some of us older "foggies" even imagined, let alone were ever taught.

Then we are to what? Fill our minds (dwell) on whatever is good, pure, of value..
(someone wrongs you? forgive them in your heart and think of God's forgiveness to you,think of the persons good qualities, how you can help them , even if just prayer for them to come to a conscious realization they are bad and need help (Gods' forgiveness too)..There are so many good books with people who have lived thus, and even though suffered much, were greatly blessed with such living (Corrie Ten Boom is one example)

Now what movie did God providentially bring personally to me those many years ago ?
I took great joy in weeding through the u-tube videos to piece the following together for you
May your life be enriched, as the realization of how one life can effect so many others, yours very well may be such , live your life right and time will tell what an impact your live has been
Mine....yours.....IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.... REALLY !

Song where are you Christmas? first...

Then enjoy the movie:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

buried treasure

The snow is beautiful and I love it.....(as long as it doesn't cause accidents or damage)

But look at the treasures it has buried..............................

I am so blessed to have a husband who is patient and good, he indulges my passion for color
as he stops the car for me to get just ONE more photo... all the money in the world couldn't buy this much gold for your heart now could it ?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow...

Shortly after this, these two fellas had a snowball fight, horse style.
Our horses love the snow, well perhaps Barbie doll wanted to stay in the barn this morning;
But our guys make the most of snow days..

how about you, do you want to stay in the "barn' when things aren't how you "plan?"
Or do you Car pie Diem...or as I say at farm funnies pie a'la mode life?

The choice is yours, each moment, each day..
Don't let the storm clouds darken your future,
Today, this moment is NOW, it is what you do from this moment on, that matters.

take a few reflective moments, let the snow settle over you, as you do a reality check.
Where are you, what is going on in your life?
What would you do differently? What are your dreams, your goals? Write them down,
and even if they seem impossible, go for it...
Dreams, with a bit of work,planning,doing a bit of boot pulling,elbow grease, can and do come true.
Not if you sit motionless and let the "snow" cover you, you can become stiff and even frozen

OK you have a vision, a purpose, a passion, start moving towards it/them...

Many times it can be a simple as let go and let God... other times it is discipline and focus
but is daily consistent motion..just like the tortoise and the hare..(remember who wins?)

Now shake off that dusting of "snow" and have a snow fight, get going.

If you need help or ideas, contact me and I will set up a free consultation with you. I am a certified health advisor and I am a business coach , I truly love assisting and seeing others reach their dreams, be they for health or for finances.

I love to see others enjoy all that is all around us, and most of it is free for each of us.
Have a blessed Christmas,and may your New year be filled with many good things, that enrich your life.

Gold is just around the corner

Life, you never know what treasure is just around the corner.
Truly, if you just look beyond the everyday kind of vision,
there are literal streets (and roads) of GOLD just waiting for you.

No matter what is going on in your life, really it could be worse,
and sadly it is for someone,somewhere.

As a little girl, when things were bad at home,
my mom would remind me,
has it worse,
so I learned to count my many blessings even during tough times..
you not only taught life well, you truly lived it ,
you're one in a million.

Over at my farm funnies blog I said i would show my clown face...
here it is,
one of my grand kids created this one for me..
wow didn't they have fun? And what a good "shot" this kid took
hey not a bad job for a 5 yr old.
remember, a smile is just a frown turned upside down ,
smile and the whole world smiles with you ,well if they don't they should :-)
last but not least, your mom was right ! It takes more muscles to frown ,than to smile
so take it easy and SMILE...
then if you haven't read it yet,
scroll , to my archives and read my post about a smile .

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stop The Planet I want OFF, stop building emotional walls of protection

This picture is of Big Greenie, as you can tell she wasn't exactly a happy camper, when she was being transported via turtle "airlines" from her summer resort, to her winter home for warmth.
Birds may fly south for the winter but "some" turtles are air "flighted" back to their " winter condo's ".

I was thinking when one is in a conflict of some sort, the inner walls of defense start to go up.After a time, they can seem insurmountable, much like the walls of this 5 gallon bucket became , or possibly seemed for Big Greenie. She went a step further and even retreated from the walls erected around her by going into her shell.

What are your walls of protection? What seems insurmountable to you?
Does your marriage seem beyond hope ?
Does it seem like you are never going to succeed in ? ( your new business, your job, raising your children, healing of hurts, memories, restoration of broken relationships ? the list goes on)

Sometimes it seems no matter how hard we try, it appears to just get harder.
The more successful , we are, in any given area, can seem to create even more problems.
We become frozen , we start erecting walls, make them higher and higher , perhaps pull into our shell.

STOP THE PLANET from spinning I WANT OFF.... you may cry, and feel like no one is listening, or even cares.
I love the simple child like prayer of faith and the thought expressed by the mom in a recent post
Possible Prayers

It goes along with something God revealed to me earlier today.
Today at an all day training I attended , I was challenged for further personal growth.
In my ruminating on these challenges (something I do over at farmfunnies :-) and ideas I "picked" up and tucked into my notebook, I was so frustrated. Why do some things never seem to change, I pondered, despite the efforts I put into them...WHY WHY WHY ?

AHA, as a new light "turns" on to shine on a different facet of my life, is where I have gone amiss . It is still my efforts, even though I have cried out for help in some areas, poured out my broken heart, pleaded or said I give up, thus some small measure of "protection" has been kept in tact..

This measure of protection often disguises "itself"...
Some examples I came up with :
A retort back to a spouse who has wounded you ( to defend your own "position" or intent)
Keeping a buffer of fluff (I hate the word fat) to "protect you from a childhood of painful hurts or inflictions by abuse either mentally , physically or emotional or even all three. This buffer can both " protect" and cause more pain/rejection. There are other buffers, lack of fulfillment,achieving potential,leading, finishing projects, more of course, but you get the idea.

Any or all can cause the walls to become higher, and we may even react with rebellion or withdrawal to our "shell".
The lack of follow through, completing etc. can also be a method of self protection. If you never "finish" you are not open for rejection, criticism etc.

Here is where the AHA fits. When we put up those walls ,retaliate in some measure, not rise to meet the challenge , not finish or complete any given area,goal ,dream or ?..which of course means doing the daily "dozen" (as mundane as they may be) or disciplines of working through an issue , what are we actually "saying" by or "living" ?

We are living and expressing a lack of faith. Bottom line, it is a mistrust of God's ability to be:

Our ROCK, our shield,our defender,our protection,our provider,our deliverer,

So what walls of protection have you erected?

As hard as I have "worked" and I thought with God's help, I realized (again)I just need to let Go,
yep the let go and let God. We can know it, but not know it..
So simple ,so easy, so hard. Perhaps like me you can stop struggling in the river of life
grab on to God's ability to keep you afloat, to deliver to protect you.
Remember though from an earlier post , we do have an active part and we do have to fight.
I shared how it is the dead salmon who floats effortlessly downstream, it is the live one who struggles and fights the current and at times seems to not make progress , who goes upstream.

Which salmon , which turtle are you?
Just whisper I don't need that wall, that layer of fluff, that whatever, rest in God's abilities not your own . With God I can and will let Him do my fighting in and through me.

Then why not sing as Rich Mullins... .. or Chris Tomlin of perhaps Michael W. Smith
perhaps you need a song to cut through persecution,
( please don't take these next few songs lightly, this is serious, while I believe in the messages, and enjoy Carmen, I also offer thoughts ,that personally I am careful where Angels fear to tread,
this next one , whgile it is delightful and very well done ( wow ! kudo's to Carmen )is rather graphic, so please do not watch if you are effected by visual graphics and as mentioned this is serious business, so I caution be sure you are wearing the full armor of God mentioned in scripture and even fasting some prayer cover "around' You (clean, good, but powerful)

May you find true freedom in His loving protection and provision.
May you grow, and be MERRY in HEART :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Christmas Star, watch it shine brightly this year

The star shines, it twinkles and it glows,
It is always at the top of our tree,

Why? to remind us of our true light.

The world may seem dark and grim at times,
The way may be strewn with rocks and debris

The way may be lean and sparse, but always, always,
if you look up to the star, you can be reminded of

God's Glory,

it abounds all around us in ways we cannot begin to imagine,

There is a bounty of glorious color, rich, and freely bestowed
upon us, choose to look for what we have all around us, everyday.

Often we forget what we have and focus ,as most of the world does, on what we don't have ( and generally don't even need).

Enjoy one of my favorite songs, both of these renditions are worth watching, the words are
beyond the bounds of time and eternity,
Let them soak into your heart soul and fill them to overflowing.

YouTube - "Mary, Did You Know?" By Mark Lowry

YouTube - Mary Did You Know - Mark Lowery