Thursday, April 24, 2008

hidden...beneath the surface....

Mrs. Puddles, is almost underground, out of sight, soon to be hidden from view.....

She reminds me of something I have been ...well those who know me or have read previous post, will understand........RUMINATING on............(perhaps pondering would be a better choice of words, but since I love cows, ruminating , it is :-)...............)

Dealing with unpleasantness, difficult tasks, hard decisions, heartaches, BIG MISTAKES,

and even what is not to popular in today's culture.....the 3 letter word..........s-i-n............
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sin++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

It is easier to avoid,procrastinate,delay,avoid,pretend it didn't happen,even have remorse..
but none of these "options" deal with the core issue...........and until the core issue is dealt with, it is like removing a sliver, only days later to still have pain and discover you have to "dig" deeper and remove a tiny tip, that somehow broke off............this I believe is is what is seldom discussed, promoted or encouraged,


Being remorseful, admitting one did something, even saying sorry does not deal with the broken unrepentant attitude............

OK so what is repentance???

It is more than just wishing "it"hadn't happened....

It is agreeing , and I personally believe, agreeing with God according to the Bible and I'm talking the King James kind...about whatever it is.....this can even be thoughts...........

So for me

step #1 would be, ooh I did/said/thought what is against what YOU (God) say I should.............

look up an earlier post about Love....this would give an idea of what we should be living like...

Step #2 that is wrong, I am really so sorry, I hurt YOU (God)when I did or said or thought that...

Step # 3 I ask Your forgiveness, and Your Mercy, and thank you for that

Step #4 Help me do a 180 degree turn from that, I do not want to do that again,

if this is an ingrained "habit" it may take a repeat of step 1-4 every minute even, especially if this is

in the thought life...........(bad words is an example, it may take time to stop using them...)

Step # 5 I will change my actions (remove temptations, whatever the source.... if you don't want to spend

money don't go shopping.......)

Step # 6 Make restitution..............some "actions" may necessitate paying the price... if you break the law

you do the "time" if you hurt someone, you need to make it right....whatever the action replace it

with something good........Our children had to think of nice things to say, when they said something


find a copy of a little book George Washington carried and studied from, it is called Laws of civility, even if they sound a bit outdated, the principals are still good....

perhaps if you have had something "gnawing "away at you, taking out the broken tip, of the "splitter" will

release you, and give you freedom.........

We are complex are we not ???? but let's not go underground like Mrs. Puddles and think we've DONE all that needs to be done.............until we have DONE the right things................then you can go underground for a bit and heal and VIOLA' the sun will come out...............

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Only one day to live....Grandma gets a shiner...

Who was the unsinkable Molly Brown????

What difference does a day make ????

Does it really matter what we do,think,choose, say ????

I was recently asked ,what would I do if I only had one day to live ???

I was asked this question , due to my being a health coach for weight loss and nutrition,

I had an answer at the time, and I have given it much thought since then.....

What about you, you only have one day to live what would you do?????

I thought this would be a good place to share a photo of a recent shiner I received. It was from a guy named Hershey Tyee..............yep ...he was big,strong, hairy.......gorgeous........
he is one of my Alpaca boys

He "gave" it to me, just in time to lend some color to my Easter outfit!!!!!

Here is the thing...It really swelled up, it hurt a lot, and it did for some time....even my eye hurt
But I was thankful............WHY??????

Because Hershey missed........he missed my eye(though that is where all the lovely colors showed up.......... he missed my temple........he missed a spot slightly above my eyebrow bone..(where the kick resonated).... this spot is still tender from several years earlier ...where I had a blow to the forehead, I seriously think I cracked the bone....

This photo seemed to epitimise, life is fleet, it is as a flower, that quickly fades....
We never know what a day holds for us, so every breath we have is a wonder.............

Now would I choose to live differently, with only one day left????

The core question, if life is hard, why not enjoy some simple pleasures............

Having a battle with weight, and only one day to live...why not indulge in those yummies..........instead of being committed to our 5&1 ???? You want to succeed in a business,raising a family or??, why try, work, do , if there is only a day left ???

Here is my answer.....each day we have is a blessing. I like the way Mary O' Hara told Ken in My Friend Flicka, Thunderhead or was it The Green Grass of Wyoming. Life is like a big gymnasium...we are in training,getting in shape for our home in does a day matter ???? Possibly a glitch , or even one day wouldn't , but one day can become one more easy. Do we really know our "time"...........How well do I want to run my race???? I would hope I would do as I planned,picking myself up if I ran into a land mine and get outta there... I remember running a race with gusto as a child, I was so excited ..I was the little chubby, in the lead WOW, not understanding the need for staying power to finish........I did finish but miserably and pitifully very, very, very......last and very deflated in spirit........I was laughed at by all, not even a teacher helped me to understand, except that I had to finish,which actually ended up teaching me a kids on the block learn many things the hard way,on their own...........For my life's race, I want to "place well" I want to be have staying power....that takes discipline, and training., being ready, and willingness to climb out of a pothole or continue when hit by one of life's grenades... and no excuses (to "stay" there.)...............

When one has goals/commitments,responsibilities, whatever they be..even if they are only for oneself ....they are worth doing to the best of our ability......Yes we may hit that pothole, yes we may get a "shiner" yes, it may be dark and dreary, yes, we may think no one may "ever" know.......... by the is what one does alone,that reveals the true measure of oneself..........( I wish I could remember the famous quote to this.........) which it is one thing to be "hit" ,fall in, even struggle to get up, it is another to deliberately choose to get in a pothole and stay is also okay to have someone give you a helping tug out...

So what about you...........

Only one precious GOLDEN day left ........

how will you choose to live today ???

Will you be accountable to yourself, or someone you trust???? for doing whatever it takes to reach your goal/s ,finish the job/task/assignment???? Do it just .........ONE DAY at a time...........:-)

Many Blessings...........

Oh and thanks Hershey for missing... Actually a Big THANKS to God for His protection....

As a man thinketh in his heart

golden things to remenber,along with the GOLDEN RULE

1. No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.
2. Most people will be about as happy as they decide to be.
3. Others can stop you temporarily, but only YOU can do it permanently.
4. Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.
5. Success stops when you do.
6. When your ship comes in...make sure you are willing to unload it.
7. You will never "have it all together."
8. Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip.
9. The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want, I will be happy.
10. The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
11. I've learned that ultimately, "takers' lose and "givers" win.
12. Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.
13. If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.
14. We often fear the thing we want the most.
15. He or she who laughs......lasts.
16. Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
17. Look for opportunities...not guarantees.
18. Life is what's coming..not what was.
19. Success is getting up one more time.
20. Now is the most interesting time of all.
21. When things go wrong...don't go with the flow.
22. Last but not least: "Always know and remember God is Almighty and in control
the Johnny Jump ups are in my gardern,
Thank you Charlene for the forward you sent me with these 22 things to remember....
give Angel a hug from me :-)
(author unknown)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What is eating you????


OK, you find yourself doing exactly what you don't want to do...

Your intentions are good, you have said that's IT... I am on my way.

For many of us , this may mean making healthier food choices, losing weight, being consistent with our exercise,breaking bad habits, taking daily consistent action, towards a goal, perhaps not using shopping,food,oh here's a good one, time spent watching mindless tv, or how about surfing the internet, when there is that ? we planned to DO. All these "things" can be a "fix"... after all we need the good choices for life, not (life, serving us past issues, we "solve" with comfort, "stuff" for easing of "pain","hurt" "sorrow") so STOP. Listen to the little voices.

Are they telling the Truth?

Perhaps the voices are just Riddle a broken record. A warped "tune" ,someone else tossed our way. It hit us on the noggin' got "stuck" and we've either not figured out it was there, how to dislodge it, or that it is actually a bad record,one that needs to be tossed out...

I know I've mentioned it before, but a change in orientation, is what is needed.

You know the STOP, LOOK (beneath the surface) Listen (who ,what ,is being said,why)

Shift your focus, only listen to the voices that tell you what is good,pure,true. If they are not there, then take a few moments and write out a few. Read them out load to yourself in the morning, before you go to bed, keep them on a note card, and when you start catching the mean widdle kid , talkin' ,then haul out the note card and say uh uh, THIS is what is TRUE !

Good luck, have some fun with it.

You will start to hear the good voices.

Yep the mean widdle kid one, may do a bit of hollering,and wild clamoring, and even get tricky, but keep at it.

Before you know it, just like ROCKY da da da da ta da ta da, the good voices will start getting louder :-).

You can and will win... (if you choose to).

Just have some faith, determination, patience , a bit of mind "elbow grease" perhaps even a 180 degree turn about (read the hidden beneath the surface post for more info)

Asking for a bit of help, from a trusted good friend, may help you.

One of my favorite transforming and support "systems" : I love singing,the old fashioned hymns, the ones with "meat" in them, to remind me of my goal , to be more like Christ.

Viola, His attributes are listed in most of these gems, how easy is that ?

My hero.....

(check out the link video clip expelled:intelligence not allowed....below article)
I wanted to write a comment for the ...I know something good.... link in my sidebar, but I had trouble in doing such........I decided to write a post here , sharing my new insight.......
Early this morning, I received a forward from a dear friend . After viewing the link to a utube movie clip with tears streaming down my cheeks ,I realized anew ,something I knew deep inside. What with the day to day living, and the modern day dragons that are often invisible,but ever so more dangerous, it can be easy to forget the battles one's loved one is perhaps in the middle of...or to remember,value and realize what is endured for us on the home front...............

My husband of nearly 40 years is truly my hero, my champion, my defender, my rock........not only for me, but he was and still is for our children, as well as for others children. The same goes for his work place, what he gave for our schools, on the various boards,and leadership positions he served in, as well as for the unseen ways he supports our heartfelt love,devotion, thanks ,appreciation to him and his fellow scientists . I'm talking those who believe in the Biblical creation as, put forth in Genesis.....they often are unsung hero's...........take time to send some appreciation to a scientist you know, whatever "branch" he is in, and this would even include Dr.s and nurses ,those serving in leadership or teaching capacities ,believing and valuing creation is not an easy task to go through the onslaught of the classes ,opinions and downright personal attacks, that these brave hero's endure,perhaps on a daily basis.....even as a grade schooler in the mid 50's ,when the "push" for darwanism was just starting to get "going" I endured much , for my beliefs due to the nature of often being a new kid, in a new school...those various teachers who held kids up for such ridicule should be so ashamed.....

So A Big
to not only my dear hubby,but to all you other scientific hero's .......................................
I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch the utube called
expelled:no intelligence allowed, at ... perhaps you will see why I so proud of my husband and his "fellow" scientists......why not considering
a donation or support,especially prayer support to the creation research university or some other such worthy cause....
(the above photo is from an unknown source,taken from a television program,that I took to use for resource reference for my art work)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What is Love????

Love is a golden treasure

When I was a little girl, someone gave me this explanation of love.

I have held this close to my heart and purposed to live this kind of love.

There are times I have found this very hard...

True love is not for wimps.....

True love can be painful.....

If we but lift our hearts to the heavens, we can receive help to live and love this way...

I wish I could give the author credit, but sadly as a child I trimmed the little article

to it's smallest proportions, thus eliminating any such information, I taped it in the back cover of my very 1st Bible,I nearly wore it out before made a handwritten copy and now I want to share this with you.....

LOVE is very patient,very kind.

LOVE makes no parade,gives itself no airs, is never rude, never selfish

never irritated,never resentful.

LOVE is never glad when others go wrong,

LOVE is gladdened by goodness, always slow to expose,always eager

to hear the best,always hopeful, always patient.

LOVE never disappears,

Perhaps you can guess where the author received his/her inspiration for this text...

Try comparing it to 1st Corinthians 13

Right next to this little clipping I had another clipping I dearly loved


costs nothing.....but gives much

It enriches those who receive it, without making poorer those

who give.....

It takes but a moment,but memory of it can last forever...

None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it....

And none is so poor, that he cannot be made rich by it...

A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business

and is the counterpart of friendship.........

It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad

and is Natures best antidote for trouble....

Yet it cannot be bought,begged,borrowed or stolen...

for it is something of no value to anyone

until it is given away.........

Some people are to tired to give you a smile, give them one of yours..........

as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give............