What difference does a day make ????
Does it really matter what we do,think,choose, say ????
I was recently asked ,what would I do if I only had one day to live ???
I was asked this question , due to my being a health coach for weight loss and nutrition,
I had an answer at the time, and I have given it much thought since then.....
What about you, you only have one day to live what would you do?????
I thought this would be a good place to share a photo of a recent shiner I received. It was from a guy named Hershey Tyee..............yep ...he was big,strong, hairy.......gorgeous........
he is one of my Alpaca boys
He "gave" it to me, just in time to lend some color to my Easter outfit!!!!!
Here is the thing...It really swelled up, it hurt a lot, and it did for some time....even my eye hurt
But I was thankful............WHY??????
Because Hershey missed........he missed my eye(though that is where all the lovely colors showed up.......... he missed my temple........he missed a spot slightly above my eyebrow bone..(where the kick resonated).... this spot is still tender from several years earlier ...where I had a blow to the forehead, I seriously think I cracked the bone....
This photo seemed to epitimise, life is fleet, it is as a flower, that quickly fades....
We never know what a day holds for us, so every breath we have is a wonder.............
Now would I choose to live differently, with only one day left????
The core question, if life is hard, why not enjoy some simple pleasures............
Having a battle with weight, and only one day to live...why not indulge in those yummies..........instead of being committed to our 5&1 ???? You want to succeed in a business,raising a family or??, why try, work, do , if there is only a day left ???
Here is my answer.....each day we have is a blessing. I like the way Mary O' Hara told Ken in My Friend Flicka, Thunderhead or was it The Green Grass of Wyoming. Life is like a big gymnasium...we are in training,getting in shape for our home in eternity...........so does a day matter ???? Possibly a glitch , or even one day wouldn't , but one day can become one more ...so easy. Do we really know our "time"...........How well do I want to run my race???? I would hope I would do as I planned,picking myself up if I ran into a land mine and get outta there... I remember running a race with gusto as a child, I was so excited ..I was the little chubby, in the lead WOW, not understanding the need for staying power to finish........I did finish but miserably and pitifully very, very, very......last and very deflated in spirit........I was laughed at by all, not even a teacher helped me to understand, except that I had to finish,which actually ended up teaching me a lot...new kids on the block learn many things the hard way,on their own...........For my life's race, I want to "place well" I want to be have staying power....that takes discipline, and training., being ready, and willingness to climb out of a pothole or continue when hit by one of life's grenades... and no excuses (to "stay" there.)...............
When one has goals/commitments,responsibilities, whatever they be..even if they are only for oneself ....they are worth doing to the best of our ability......Yes we may hit that pothole, yes we may get a "shiner" yes, it may be dark and dreary, yes, we may think no one may "ever" know.......... by the way..it is what one does alone,that reveals the true measure of oneself..........( I wish I could remember the famous quote to this.........) which it is one thing to be "hit" ,fall in, even struggle to get up, it is another to deliberately choose to get in a pothole and stay there...it is also okay to have someone give you a helping tug out...
So what about you...........
Only one day.....one precious GOLDEN day left ........
how will you choose to live today ???
Will you be accountable to yourself, or someone you trust???? for doing whatever it takes to reach your goal/s ,finish the job/task/assignment???? Do it just .........ONE DAY at a time...........:-)
Many Blessings...........
Oh and thanks Hershey for missing... Actually a Big THANKS to God for His protection....

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