Thursday, April 24, 2008

hidden...beneath the surface....

Mrs. Puddles, is almost underground, out of sight, soon to be hidden from view.....

She reminds me of something I have been ...well those who know me or have read previous post, will understand........RUMINATING on............(perhaps pondering would be a better choice of words, but since I love cows, ruminating , it is :-)...............)

Dealing with unpleasantness, difficult tasks, hard decisions, heartaches, BIG MISTAKES,

and even what is not to popular in today's culture.....the 3 letter word..........s-i-n............
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sin++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

It is easier to avoid,procrastinate,delay,avoid,pretend it didn't happen,even have remorse..
but none of these "options" deal with the core issue...........and until the core issue is dealt with, it is like removing a sliver, only days later to still have pain and discover you have to "dig" deeper and remove a tiny tip, that somehow broke off............this I believe is is what is seldom discussed, promoted or encouraged,


Being remorseful, admitting one did something, even saying sorry does not deal with the broken unrepentant attitude............

OK so what is repentance???

It is more than just wishing "it"hadn't happened....

It is agreeing , and I personally believe, agreeing with God according to the Bible and I'm talking the King James kind...about whatever it is.....this can even be thoughts...........

So for me

step #1 would be, ooh I did/said/thought what is against what YOU (God) say I should.............

look up an earlier post about Love....this would give an idea of what we should be living like...

Step #2 that is wrong, I am really so sorry, I hurt YOU (God)when I did or said or thought that...

Step # 3 I ask Your forgiveness, and Your Mercy, and thank you for that

Step #4 Help me do a 180 degree turn from that, I do not want to do that again,

if this is an ingrained "habit" it may take a repeat of step 1-4 every minute even, especially if this is

in the thought life...........(bad words is an example, it may take time to stop using them...)

Step # 5 I will change my actions (remove temptations, whatever the source.... if you don't want to spend

money don't go shopping.......)

Step # 6 Make restitution..............some "actions" may necessitate paying the price... if you break the law

you do the "time" if you hurt someone, you need to make it right....whatever the action replace it

with something good........Our children had to think of nice things to say, when they said something


find a copy of a little book George Washington carried and studied from, it is called Laws of civility, even if they sound a bit outdated, the principals are still good....

perhaps if you have had something "gnawing "away at you, taking out the broken tip, of the "splitter" will

release you, and give you freedom.........

We are complex are we not ???? but let's not go underground like Mrs. Puddles and think we've DONE all that needs to be done.............until we have DONE the right things................then you can go underground for a bit and heal and VIOLA' the sun will come out...............

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