OK, you find yourself doing exactly what you don't want to do...
Your intentions are good, you have said that's IT... I am on my way.
For many of us , this may mean making healthier food choices, losing weight, being consistent with our exercise,breaking bad habits, taking daily consistent action, towards a goal, perhaps not using shopping,food,oh here's a good one, time spent watching mindless tv, or how about surfing the internet, when there is that ? we planned to DO. All these "things" can be a "fix"... after all we need the good choices for life, not (life, serving us past issues, we "solve" with comfort, "stuff" for easing of "pain","hurt" "sorrow") so STOP. Listen to the little voices.
Are they telling the Truth?
Perhaps the voices are just Riddle a broken record. A warped "tune" ,someone else tossed our way. It hit us on the noggin' got "stuck" and we've either not figured out it was there, how to dislodge it, or that it is actually a bad record,one that needs to be tossed out...
I know I've mentioned it before, but a change in orientation, is what is needed.
You know the STOP, LOOK (beneath the surface) Listen (who ,what ,is being said,why)
Shift your focus, only listen to the voices that tell you what is good,pure,true. If they are not there, then take a few moments and write out a few. Read them out load to yourself in the morning, before you go to bed, keep them on a note card, and when you start catching the mean widdle kid , talkin' ,then haul out the note card and say uh uh, THIS is what is TRUE !
Good luck, have some fun with it.
You will start to hear the good voices.
Yep the mean widdle kid one, may do a bit of hollering,and wild clamoring, and even get tricky, but keep at it.
Before you know it, just like ROCKY da da da da ta da ta da, the good voices will start getting louder :-).
You can and will win... (if you choose to).
Just have some faith, determination, patience , a bit of mind "elbow grease" perhaps even a 180 degree turn about (read the hidden beneath the surface post for more info)
Asking for a bit of help, from a trusted good friend, may help you.
One of my favorite transforming and support "systems" : I love singing,the old fashioned hymns, the ones with "meat" in them, to remind me of my goal , to be more like Christ.
Viola, His attributes are listed in most of these gems, how easy is that ?

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