Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Joy,Joy, Joy,wholesome fun Christmas movies for you and the kids

Merry Christmas from our home to you,

The following movies have been enjoyed each year for many years in our family
may they begin a new tradition in your family too..

Have a blessed Christmas enjoying them
then for fun go to and click on her music geek Christmas moment
I love this song, and it is done in a MERRY way :-)
(when you watch part 1 you can click on parts 2 & 3 at u-tube to finish)
How the Grinch stole Christmas
Charlie Brown Christmas
Garfield Christmas
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carole
and one of my very favorites,
We focus on the Gift of Love
and this movie is such a good representation of sacrificial love.
you might be able to find a complete copy of it somewhere I hope.
Till you do let these clips enrich and warm your hearts
I love the song so much, I am truly overwhelmed each time I hear it.
now this clip isn't about Christmas, but it is precious
Edith Ann's sandwich

The night before Christmas, a wonderful life, REALLY

Actually I'm writing this post in the wee early dawn of the night before Christmas

Many memories flood my mind of Christmas's past
Some ,at the time, were overwhelmingly heartbreaking and sad

Some were frightening,or overwhelmingly laced with either tragedy,crises,fear
or even as Anne of Green Gables expressed: in the depths of despair
Yet through it all, a golden thread...God's marvelous grace,His providential watch care.
All these many years later,I can more readily see the simmer of it ,woven through all the things allowed in my life.

A recent comment on one of my posts , caused me to once again remember one long ago Christmas, when I felt at the end of my "rope". Thankfully I do not recall the things leading up to my pit of despair. and despite an encouraging husband, I was overwhelmed, standing on the brink of overwhelming depression, one that to me was insurmountable and like the black hole in space.

I remember thinking how useless my life seemed to me, teetering on the edge of how all would be better off without me in so many ways, and yet trying to give my best, for the holidays to our young brood.
I now have an idea of some of the triggers that promoted the depths of the despair
but the focus of ones life is not what causes one to spiral downward, but the salvation.

That year God brought me face to face with my personal haunts with a simple movie.
So many problems that seem insurmountable, that if dwelt upon,breeds further despair and hopelessness. No where in my reading the entire King James version of the Bible cover to cover over 9 times , are we admonished to dwell on the past, or our circumstance :what led up to them, what they currently are ,or the possible outcome of them.

However over and over we are to confess (what and when we have done wrong) make restitution (if needed) and to repent (agree with God and turn 180 degrees away from whatever) Every year I learn more about what true repentance is, and just this morning
have more insights. Every struggle we are either facing,struggling or overwhelmed with, I believe can be summed up and dealt with under the illumination of what else? The basic 10 commandments.
Yep ,as antiquated and socially or politically incorrect as it may be, to read and worse ! Believe in them, I sense herein lies many of the solutions to so many of our current problems, and I sense in greater ways than some of us older "foggies" even imagined, let alone were ever taught.

Then we are to what? Fill our minds (dwell) on whatever is good, pure, of value..
(someone wrongs you? forgive them in your heart and think of God's forgiveness to you,think of the persons good qualities, how you can help them , even if just prayer for them to come to a conscious realization they are bad and need help (Gods' forgiveness too)..There are so many good books with people who have lived thus, and even though suffered much, were greatly blessed with such living (Corrie Ten Boom is one example)

Now what movie did God providentially bring personally to me those many years ago ?
I took great joy in weeding through the u-tube videos to piece the following together for you
May your life be enriched, as the realization of how one life can effect so many others, yours very well may be such , live your life right and time will tell what an impact your live has been
Mine....yours.....IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.... REALLY !

Song where are you Christmas? first...

Then enjoy the movie:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

buried treasure

The snow is beautiful and I love it.....(as long as it doesn't cause accidents or damage)

But look at the treasures it has buried..............................

I am so blessed to have a husband who is patient and good, he indulges my passion for color
as he stops the car for me to get just ONE more photo... all the money in the world couldn't buy this much gold for your heart now could it ?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow...

Shortly after this, these two fellas had a snowball fight, horse style.
Our horses love the snow, well perhaps Barbie doll wanted to stay in the barn this morning;
But our guys make the most of snow days..

how about you, do you want to stay in the "barn' when things aren't how you "plan?"
Or do you Car pie Diem...or as I say at farm funnies pie a'la mode life?

The choice is yours, each moment, each day..
Don't let the storm clouds darken your future,
Today, this moment is NOW, it is what you do from this moment on, that matters.

take a few reflective moments, let the snow settle over you, as you do a reality check.
Where are you, what is going on in your life?
What would you do differently? What are your dreams, your goals? Write them down,
and even if they seem impossible, go for it...
Dreams, with a bit of work,planning,doing a bit of boot pulling,elbow grease, can and do come true.
Not if you sit motionless and let the "snow" cover you, you can become stiff and even frozen

OK you have a vision, a purpose, a passion, start moving towards it/them...

Many times it can be a simple as let go and let God... other times it is discipline and focus
but is daily consistent motion..just like the tortoise and the hare..(remember who wins?)

Now shake off that dusting of "snow" and have a snow fight, get going.

If you need help or ideas, contact me and I will set up a free consultation with you. I am a certified health advisor and I am a business coach , I truly love assisting and seeing others reach their dreams, be they for health or for finances.

I love to see others enjoy all that is all around us, and most of it is free for each of us.
Have a blessed Christmas,and may your New year be filled with many good things, that enrich your life.

Gold is just around the corner

Life, you never know what treasure is just around the corner.
Truly, if you just look beyond the everyday kind of vision,
there are literal streets (and roads) of GOLD just waiting for you.

No matter what is going on in your life, really it could be worse,
and sadly it is for someone,somewhere.

As a little girl, when things were bad at home,
my mom would remind me,
has it worse,
so I learned to count my many blessings even during tough times..
you not only taught life well, you truly lived it ,
you're one in a million.

Over at my farm funnies blog I said i would show my clown face...
here it is,
one of my grand kids created this one for me..
wow didn't they have fun? And what a good "shot" this kid took
hey not a bad job for a 5 yr old.
remember, a smile is just a frown turned upside down ,
smile and the whole world smiles with you ,well if they don't they should :-)
last but not least, your mom was right ! It takes more muscles to frown ,than to smile
so take it easy and SMILE...
then if you haven't read it yet,
scroll , to my archives and read my post about a smile .

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stop The Planet I want OFF, stop building emotional walls of protection

This picture is of Big Greenie, as you can tell she wasn't exactly a happy camper, when she was being transported via turtle "airlines" from her summer resort, to her winter home for warmth.
Birds may fly south for the winter but "some" turtles are air "flighted" back to their " winter condo's ".

I was thinking when one is in a conflict of some sort, the inner walls of defense start to go up.After a time, they can seem insurmountable, much like the walls of this 5 gallon bucket became , or possibly seemed for Big Greenie. She went a step further and even retreated from the walls erected around her by going into her shell.

What are your walls of protection? What seems insurmountable to you?
Does your marriage seem beyond hope ?
Does it seem like you are never going to succeed in ? ( your new business, your job, raising your children, healing of hurts, memories, restoration of broken relationships ? the list goes on)

Sometimes it seems no matter how hard we try, it appears to just get harder.
The more successful , we are, in any given area, can seem to create even more problems.
We become frozen , we start erecting walls, make them higher and higher , perhaps pull into our shell.

STOP THE PLANET from spinning I WANT OFF.... you may cry, and feel like no one is listening, or even cares.
I love the simple child like prayer of faith and the thought expressed by the mom in a recent post
Possible Prayers

It goes along with something God revealed to me earlier today.
Today at an all day training I attended , I was challenged for further personal growth.
In my ruminating on these challenges (something I do over at farmfunnies :-) and ideas I "picked" up and tucked into my notebook, I was so frustrated. Why do some things never seem to change, I pondered, despite the efforts I put into them...WHY WHY WHY ?

AHA, as a new light "turns" on to shine on a different facet of my life, is where I have gone amiss . It is still my efforts, even though I have cried out for help in some areas, poured out my broken heart, pleaded or said I give up, thus some small measure of "protection" has been kept in tact..

This measure of protection often disguises "itself"...
Some examples I came up with :
A retort back to a spouse who has wounded you ( to defend your own "position" or intent)
Keeping a buffer of fluff (I hate the word fat) to "protect you from a childhood of painful hurts or inflictions by abuse either mentally , physically or emotional or even all three. This buffer can both " protect" and cause more pain/rejection. There are other buffers, lack of fulfillment,achieving potential,leading, finishing projects, more of course, but you get the idea.

Any or all can cause the walls to become higher, and we may even react with rebellion or withdrawal to our "shell".
The lack of follow through, completing etc. can also be a method of self protection. If you never "finish" you are not open for rejection, criticism etc.

Here is where the AHA fits. When we put up those walls ,retaliate in some measure, not rise to meet the challenge , not finish or complete any given area,goal ,dream or ?..which of course means doing the daily "dozen" (as mundane as they may be) or disciplines of working through an issue , what are we actually "saying" by or "living" ?

We are living and expressing a lack of faith. Bottom line, it is a mistrust of God's ability to be:

Our ROCK, our shield,our defender,our protection,our provider,our deliverer,

So what walls of protection have you erected?

As hard as I have "worked" and I thought with God's help, I realized (again)I just need to let Go,
yep the let go and let God. We can know it, but not know it..
So simple ,so easy, so hard. Perhaps like me you can stop struggling in the river of life
grab on to God's ability to keep you afloat, to deliver to protect you.
Remember though from an earlier post , we do have an active part and we do have to fight.
I shared how it is the dead salmon who floats effortlessly downstream, it is the live one who struggles and fights the current and at times seems to not make progress , who goes upstream.

Which salmon , which turtle are you?
Just whisper I don't need that wall, that layer of fluff, that whatever, rest in God's abilities not your own . With God I can and will let Him do my fighting in and through me.

Then why not sing as Rich Mullins... .. or Chris Tomlin of perhaps Michael W. Smith
perhaps you need a song to cut through persecution,
( please don't take these next few songs lightly, this is serious, while I believe in the messages, and enjoy Carmen, I also offer thoughts ,that personally I am careful where Angels fear to tread,
this next one , whgile it is delightful and very well done ( wow ! kudo's to Carmen )is rather graphic, so please do not watch if you are effected by visual graphics and as mentioned this is serious business, so I caution be sure you are wearing the full armor of God mentioned in scripture and even fasting some prayer cover "around' You (clean, good, but powerful)

May you find true freedom in His loving protection and provision.
May you grow, and be MERRY in HEART :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Christmas Star, watch it shine brightly this year

The star shines, it twinkles and it glows,
It is always at the top of our tree,

Why? to remind us of our true light.

The world may seem dark and grim at times,
The way may be strewn with rocks and debris

The way may be lean and sparse, but always, always,
if you look up to the star, you can be reminded of

God's Glory,

it abounds all around us in ways we cannot begin to imagine,

There is a bounty of glorious color, rich, and freely bestowed
upon us, choose to look for what we have all around us, everyday.

Often we forget what we have and focus ,as most of the world does, on what we don't have ( and generally don't even need).

Enjoy one of my favorite songs, both of these renditions are worth watching, the words are
beyond the bounds of time and eternity,
Let them soak into your heart soul and fill them to overflowing.

YouTube - "Mary, Did You Know?" By Mark Lowry

YouTube - Mary Did You Know - Mark Lowery

Friday, November 14, 2008

reader have heart, hope springs eternal

A recent trip to the coast with one of my grown daughters was so enjoyable.
It was a beautiful day, in all ways.
We both were taking many photo's and I saw my daughter taking pictures , in the distance,of what appeared to be a pile of rocks.
Upon closer observation I saw this, and had several ideas for new posts.

It has been a bit since I've written any posts in either my farm funnies or here at merry heart,
and so much has transpired.

We as a nation have a new president, and no matter what side of the camp we are on,
not only is the matter decided for us now. As a nation many are also finding their selves in financial upheaval, pressures, problems.

Hope to renew hope, look to the true source of hope eternal God in Heaven. He not only keeps our universe in tact, lets the sun shine, gives us air to breathe, He truly cares for us.

He cares about your hopes, your dreams, your problems. He can and will help, if you let Him.
Just as the water in the above photo bubbles up out of the ground through rocks, and overflows
to the surface. Focus on God and His truths . He can and will be the source of your hope eternal
and just like the water, your heart can be full and overflowing again.

I have been very busy , in my businesses , home and farm ,as well as gone a lot recently, plus having a fried computer (oh joy).
I haven't had much time , to let my fingers fly across the keyboard to hopefully encourage and enlighten your hearts, but here are a couple of extremely encouraging and enlightening talks
I caught part of on one of my long car trips. I've not had time yet myself to finish listening to them, but I want to share them now since I've recently had several e-mails from some discouraged and depressed friends, perhaps these talks can encourage you as they have me.

the program I heard was titled protecting teen girls from lies 2 as below, forget the teen girl title
Play Now
part 1 of the above
Play Now I found the program part that I was able to catch, fascinating and very applicable to my own life, forget that it says teen girls, listen for the truths in this message no matter your gender or age. That is my approach to life in any arena. you can also click on http:/// for other programs

Current click on listen to this series from the beginning then click on the title,
Supernatural Phenomena between Heaven and Earth

I also plan to listen to the following program soon, (click on current etc as above)

Wars and Rumors of War

as well as clicking on this link it sounds intriguing, we all need a safe haven in our marriages
no matter how long we've been married.

And if you are single, hey that is great, the same principals apply in most areas, so don't do like a couple of complaining single old ladies I knew when they heard a talk on marriage, that they were upset since nothing applied to them, Ha, we can always extract truths for our own lives if we so choose. Why else would the Bible say even animals could be our teachers? They certainly don't know about human struggles ( or do they ? ) but if you know how to listen they have lots to say .. Just watch my alpacas and they can voice volumes of thoughts and some with spit !

Enjoy, grow, heal and have a great day, hug someone or hey find an alpaca (though they aren't the hugging type, a warm fluffy kitty might be a better idea :-) )

Building a Safe Haven in Marriage 2 Secret to Whole-Hearted Love 1
Posted: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 09:50:56 GMT
Play Now

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kiss me kate, Nursing home "romance", When hearts unite,


Liz wanted a kiss from our sweet Kate, the day this picture was taken.

What can I say, these two gals love each other,
Kate nearly drags me through the doors and down the nursing home hall , in order to jump up on Liz's bed and snuggle with her. (obedience work decorum,nearly abandoned, I understand)
My heart melts, I love Kate, and I love seeing her touch Liz's heart.
I am blessed ,to share in the way Kate warms and brightens the lives of others.

I don't really know Liz, I just know she loves dogs ,so I have been bringing one of our dogs to see her for over three years now. Roo-die(our own life saving hero) was the initiator of our nursing home adventure, is in semi retirement, due to his own aging issues. Angel, and now Kate, carry his torch of love and compassion, for others

I often feel I am the one who is blessed.

Does it take a bit of time on my part? Does it inconvenience me? Yes, but so worth my efforts.

Here is what I have learned over the years, life is more about giving, than getting.
The more you give, actually the more you get.
One thing, your heart and eyes need to be open .

Look for ways to give, no matter how small. It can be just giving a few minutes of your day going to a Nursing home, and becoming the vehicle and silent "partner" ,allowing a bit of cheer touch someones heart, when your dog warms someones heart. Hey I even "smuggled "in a baby chicken once, so be creative ( with permission of course) .

Our lives are filled with choice, how we choose, often has a profound effect, not only on us but on others.

Be wise in what you choose, I heartily recommend choosing to give .

Then keep your eyes and heart open, as the getting often comes in on tip toe, and in ways you cannot imagine.
Even a cup of water to a dry and thirsty heart will return to fill yours to overflowing.

Scroll to read my earlier post about giving your smile, if you haven't read it yet.

May you be blessed with a wonderful day.

I am going to be adding some new recipes to my farm funnies blog for Harvest and All Hallow's Eve. so check it out soon if you are HUNGRY

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life is a box of chocolates or good u tube finds

Don't these chocolates look yummy?

I have a dear new friend who is often heard saying, nothing tastes as good as being thin feels...

I whole heartily agree, so instead of just eating a chocolate, why not let your whole life be a box of chocolates, yummy and wonderful, every day of your life. Then just like it is fun to share chocolates with those you love, share your life with others and you will have even more fun.
Who knows, perhaps what you share may end up as a post in someones blog, you just never know.

As a professional health and business coach, I am often blessed by what others share with me.
One of my clients recently forwarded an e-mail , to me, of a story she enjoyed.
She took the time to share a story that was said to be a true story about Beth Moore.

The name rung a bell in my memory, so I thought I would see what urban legends had to say about the story.

It was a wonderful story, , but urban legends had nothing to say about it.
Sometimes this gives me a heads up, tada it probably is true.
Out of curiosity, I thought I would check out the name Beth Moore.

Beth Moore, is a real person and further more she has several video clips at u-tube
I thought I share one of the links that I enjoyed

YouTube - Beth Moore - Be Yourself

Then you know how surfing goes, you find more good stuff

Here is a link with a video clip to a movie we recently enjoyed
Then another u-tube clip with one of my favorite authors
sharing about facing the giants in our lives click on play the video

and of course one by Chondra Pierce
since it is about the three little pigs, go to my
if your curiosity gets the best of you

I hope you enjoy these,

and may they help you face your giants too.

If you need a personal health or business coach

My coaching is a free service to you, when you
use our weight loss and nutrition program or become a part of our coaching team.

I am also a business associate with Ann Sieg and Alicia Bausley, I can teach you, free of charge ways to overcome challenges in your own business, or how to start up a new one.

We love helping and empowering people.

May you be blessed with health, renewal and growth.
And yes, if you are in maintainence, you can eat a chocolate truffle.
Dark chocolate is good for you. I eat chocolate every day :-)
Right now my favorite chocolate is a dark chocolate antioxidant shake, yum.

Sunday, October 5, 2008 hurts

'Whenever God Closes One Door
He Always Opens Another,
Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway'

This was in a forward sent to me by a young friend
The title was called Lemons and Sugar.
Thank you Amanda.

It can be scary to have a door closed can't it ? Especially if it seems the death of your dreams.

It can be just as scary to have one open. The unknown, what "lurks" there?

Did you know all of us have 6 basic needs?

Did you know we each make three decisions every moment?

When that door closes, and that door opens, what our world model/core values are will
determine the choices we make.

Lemon or lemonade.

We can choose a destination or we can choose our destiny.

We can choose to let our emotions empower us or dis empower, perhaps even destroy us.

Our society has "EQUIPPED" us with the concept that "IF" only we had the right tools,
resources, (parents) life experiences, training, environment, whatever.
Then we could

DO, BE, OBTAIN, ACCOMPLISH, or whatever.

If this was true, then how about those individuals who didn't receive these "blessings?"

Against great odds these people rise above their circumstances.

What is the deciding factor? It is a choice.

There is a song from my Irish heritage that I love, my favorite line is...

You take the highroad, I'll take the low road, and I'll get to Scotland , a fore ye.

It's not the circumstances life has dealt you, not any of the other advantages.

What matters and makes the difference, is what is in your heart.

Right now I am in pain, I wish things were different, but they are not.

Should I succumb to the bleakness one Dr. once told me, absolutely not.

Take a few minutes, if you only had a few hours left to live, who would you call, what would you

say, what would you do? What do you choose?

Give yourself a new world view. You are special, why not live special, and learn to give, where true fulfillment comes.

Now for some fun( head over to my farm funnies and check out how to make slime.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the sun'l come up tomorrow, God's psychiatry

Link for finding God's psychiatry, written by Charles L. Allen below

On the fourth of July, this summer, all of my beloved and beautiful koi died.
My heart was overwhelmed with sadness as I scooped out their still ,stiff bodies
and put them in our wheelbarrow. I felt sick.

Wasn't it just the day before, they eagerly swam over to greet me
as I fed them their breakfast ?

As sad as that was, as pained as I felt, I have had much worse days.
Grieving the loss of my cherished fish, actually allowed release of trapped pain from greater life happenings.
The silver lining of my great loss ,was the realization this great loss for me ,was given as a gift to allow healing for things I hadn't allowed myself to grieve about. Pain so deep in my heart, I hadn't even been able to acknowledge it.

Life can be discouraging at times, can't it?
Yesterday held some more of that for me. As I dealt with the
unpleasant news, I thought I would share my realiziations.
Yes, life can and sometimes does ,present us with very dark days .

Days that seem to not only obscure light, hope, focus, days that seem
bent on engulfing us ,in the darkness. Darkness so deep we feel trapped or lost. Should we succumb ?

One would wonder why there is pain, suffering, loss, tragedy , broken dreams.
I admit there is a temptation to cry out unfair, stop this planet, I don't care, nobody cares.
Or to buy into the taunting at our spirit, you'll never be, do etc.
Or even have a grand pity party . You know what ? None of those "work" .
Joni Erickson Tada was told by a friend that she could
indulge herself in a five min pity party, that was enough, then she needed to Move on. Joni and Friends

We can even believe in the "prognosis" of "well" informed
health providers , and thus be submissive , and accepting of our "fate".
Or heed the voices of our past.
None of these are Truth. The truth is ,God is God of the impossible.

I too ,am occasionally tempted to "buy" into the false truth/s.
As mentioned ,yesterday was one of those days.
I admit, I even allowed myself as a health coach to indulge in some "comfort" of what else, peanut butter. Now peanut butter is a good thing, just not if you are focused on a goal you chose which didn't happen to include peanut butter ,for a given time.

Food may be your comfort "food" for your wounded spirit, or broken dreams, or bad news, loss,grief or whatever. Maybe you use one of these ,to salve your rebellion, or anger. Perhaps shopping is your comfort "food", or a mad spring housecleaning binge.
(please if that is it ,contact me :-) ).
If you see yourself in any of these, stop a moment. Confess ( admit and agree you have or feel such), then repent (have remorse ,are saddened by these.) Then simply ask for forgiveness.
Then do as Joni did, move on. As my friend Vicki would say, in her warm loving laughing way, get over it. ( Vicki survived breast cancer , if anyone could have the right to say get over it ,Vicki does.)

It is okay to grieve ,it is ok to feel overwhelmed, lost.
To stay there, to to allow life's landmines to cripple us on the inside ,is not good. It is the focus, how we respond that matters. What makes the difference, is how we respond.
So when you read this, if life has overwhelmed you , STOP, look at what you might be using for comfort and turn to the true source of comfort.
He who holds you in His hand.

Let your heart look for light, for beauty. God has it all around us, even in some of the tiniest places .

Early this morning ,as I was walking our dogs ,the sun rise shining on water was stunning.
I was reminded ,despite my dark news of yesterday , the sun will still come up tomorrow.
I was refreshed in my spirit , as I saw the brilliancy of God's creation and knew no matter what,
He cares about me. He gave the most costly gift in this entire universe ,as a ransom for me. He did this for you too. How can we let anything mar this great act of love?

Yes, as long as this earth remains, the sun will come up, filling the sky with brightness, birds
songs will fill the air with their praise and gladness for a new day, can I do less?. No matter what, God is still good. Let your heart grasp and hold on to that. Tell Him about whatever is threatening to engulf you, it's ok to tell Him it looks hopeless,
that you can't see a way , and then simply tell Him here it is, I give all of this to you.
Praise Him even in the darkness of whatever is happening in you life. He inhabits praise.

Then READ ,even if you know this by heart, the 23rd psalm. Read it when you get up, at
breakfast, lunch and dinner time and before you go to bed. Read it outloud at least one time a
day. Read it carefully, meditatively, and prayerfully. reflecting on what it means. Let it soak
into the marrow of your spirit, as a medicine. Do this for seven days.

This is actually a prescription, that was given to a troubled individual heal his troubled life.
It did.

This prescription is from a little book written by God's Psychiatry: Charles L. Allen: Books
May you find rest and peace and healing. May you come to know real Truth.
The TRUTH will set you free.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shakin' it...move it, do it today NOT tomorrow...

Shakin' it over at my , can mean a variety of things.
Our pet turkeys are a prime example of good shakers!
Today I really decided to shake it up a bit.
I added tribal dance to my busy day. Something I've been wanting to do for some time
You know , the ...tomorrow I'll do it , start it, make it...
applying my own advice from a recent make it a 10 post, today was "the" day...

If one is not careful those tomorrows roll into a week, a month, a year, a lifetime.

What have you been planning to do, start ?

Here are some of my new 'starts"...
I just received my new home business guide from my business associate Alicia and I am so excited for her, it is a fabulous home business book. I can hardly wait to finish reading it.

I just had a new and excited coach ,join my health coaching team...I can hardly wait for them to earn their cab

I just finshed day one at my new tribal dance muscles are telling me , umm you shook us up, a bit, "we" think you could have waited until TOMORROW...


Now it's your turn.

What do you want to shake up a bit?

Perhaps I can assist you, be it your health, weight, finances, personal or spiritual growth
My passion is to empower you to succeed, e-mail me at

Friday, September 5, 2008

You can do it... Attitude is everything


You can taste it, "it's" just beyond your reach. You've "stretched" your utmost and still no "luck".

When should you quit? After the first unsuccessful attempt,the second,third,tenth?

Those who obtain success, do not quit.They try,figure,attempt,recalculate,stop to figure all angles.

There is something they all have in common, tenacity,perseverance, the never
say die attitude. They are never defeated, they just go over ,around or under or through.

A difficulty is seen as a challenge, and they are committed to daily action, my husbands football coach would challenge his team with this saying: a team that won't be beat, can't be beat.


So wherever you are facing a challenge. Your health, marriage, family, kids, work,finances, losing weight, starting a new business, learning a new ,well anything.




oh , the giraffe did get a leaf now and then :-) ...he knew he would !

Has life got you down? make it a 10


I recently was listening to a motivational cd and wow, what can I say ? Wow !

I thought I'd share this little bit with you. You and I, we were born a 10...

Think about that, then realize where you "are" currently...
Are you still a 10? If not, why not ? What has transpired to shift you from that 10?

Something someone did or didn't do, say or not say ?

As my good friend and potter mentor would tell me when I was frustrated with my mud, or anything else for that matter , get over it. She did this with laughter and we would both laugh and GET OVER IT... of course with " clay mud" that is much easier. The "mud" life may have either slung, plastered, covered or bogged us down with, can be more complex.

You know what ? Yesterday, the past 5 minutes are G-O-N-E-- so Get over it...

Look to what is ahead, you may need to pull up on your boot straps and tighten your belt a bit,
depending on what kind of circumstance you happen to be in, but what ever, you ARE still
a 10... if you've made mistakes, learn from them and BE the 10 you are. The 10 you were created to be.
We could get into a theological discussion about this, but what I am getting to in this post is
to not let circumstances, people,places, or things : take away from you, who you are, or keep you from being your best , in reality they are for causing us to look upwards.
So, start living as a 10. and may your days be greener :-)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

to the end of the universe and back

My last post had a gorgeous picture about the universe,

I have a couple more to share, I don't know who either painted or took them.

But they fascinate me.

Open your eyes to new horizons today, whatever you are doing, think big, think win,
think..yes you can...

Someday I will create a painting such as these, but I am currently in the middle of a jungle scene, so I'd better "whack" my way through the vegetation with my paint brush and finish it.

Until then I will enjoy looking and dreaming, and as in my crazycritter blog, be ruminating on my space painting :-)

A suggestion if you are "stuck"
Set your eyes on a star, aim for it, you may hit a tree, but if you only set your eyes on the tree, you may never get off the ground ( I received this chinese proverb in a chinese fortune cookie , some 30 years ago, and I've carried it with me to remind me to keep looking up...

WOW, no matter what one except God knows tommorrow, so no matter what obstacle, even health seems to be getting you down. Look up ( one of my favorite Bible verses) Look to the Mountains, from whence cometh your help, you help cometh from God.

I can attest to the fact, even if a Dr tells will never get "better", improve, etc...that isn't necessarily so... one day at a time and why not pie a'la mode and go for it :-)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Creation... Let there be Light...

(unknown photographer or artist)
I was fascinated with this picture, I love the colors, the beauty, the lift to the imagination.

I was also fascinated with this recent forward from a friend. I clicked on the link and listened to the audio reading in the King James version, I closed my eyes and sensed a great balm of peace upon listening to the WORDS...of chapter one of Genesis. I liked the voice of the reader, I am not sure if the reader is the same for other translations. I happen to enjoy the reg king James version the best. I plan to listen every day.

I have read through the entire Bible ,many times and I find it intriguing to listen my way through , on a daily basis. Why not join me ?

I created a special file specifically for this link , so I can readily click on it, anytime I wish

click here... scroll to the bottom and click on listen to the Bible, here you can click on your favorite version .

Thursday, July 24, 2008

To crush a violet..sweet fragrance

SWEET FRAGRANCE...It is only when a violet is crushed that frangrance is derived from this humble little flower.

This little flower holds it head up ,face to the sun, and when it is crushed it surrenders sweetness. What is going on in your life? What challenges,trials,heartaches do you bare? Breathe in a deep breath from Heaven above, and savor every moment you are blessed with. Let the video below inspire you to new heights..and may you be blessed with strengths to reach them.

I have been mulling about how to answer a recent request made to me.

To answer the request with an affirmative action, while it would bring me joy since a yes answer would include one of my true loves, I have been hesitating. Why, you ask? Well, for starters an answer with a positive response, would take some work, effort and management on my part. I generally like to say yes, to most requests made to me . I believe in the principals of when someone asks for your coat, a loaf of bread, or to walk a mile with them, we are to do what we can, and to walk 7 instead of 1. I also know I am to be a good steward of my time, energy and resources.

How to make them line up ? Espescially in "grey" areas ?

How do you "figure" in the true cost and value of any given thing?

What does a simple deed set in motion ? Will we know, this side of heaven?

While weighing the pros and cons of a decision I need to make, what should "greet" me in my e-mail, but this story and video clip (about 4 min)... What can I say? I knew the answer within my heart, as I knew how a little elbow grease on my part could potentally set great things in motion...Only eternity will know...

I hope you enjoy this story and video as much as I did.

I cried the whole way through, how can I say I am too busy, stretched, tired or whatever.

The look on the son's face says it all.


A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?'. The father who, despite having a heart condition, says 'Yes'.
They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together.

One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together.'
To which, his father said 'Yes' to.

For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever.
The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island .
Father and son went on to complete the race together.

One dad's review of the video:
“So often in the past I have described myself as a good father.
Manners count for everything. A time and a place. All the things I thought really counted.
How wrong can I be. When I don't get my own way I shout.
When I'm occupied I delay.
I do play with my children but on my terms and at my convenience.
Then one day I'm sat at home in my own smug little world and see something like this.
All I can say is thank you.
Your strength and love shames me ,but hopefully that is something that I can change.
I do love my children but now I must show my love to them.
I don't have the strength shown in the video ,but I can use that strength as my inspiration.”

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nick , one truly amazing Aussie

When life seems to overwhelm you, when you think the day is long, the task too difficult,
think of Nick.

Perhaps you've had some major setback, or had some bad news, think of Nick.

Perhaps you just never felt very special, or have suffered major criticisms, think of Nick.

Whatever your circumstance, you can still triumph , you can still sparkle. you can do and accomplish much more than you thought possible, think of Nick

I hope you enjoy this video from one truly amazing guy from down under.

Have a box of Kleenex handy, you may need it. Your tears will be for the joy Nick shares with you.

Then remember, whatever you are facing, nothing is impossible for God, and He has your best interest in His heart. Even if at times it doesn't seem so. That is why He paid so much for you.

http ://

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blog a thon , Don't count your Chickens ,until they hatch

Did the Chocolate Bunny lay an egg???

YES,even the best laid plans of men and mice, can get sidetracked.

I had several drafts, I was working on. However due to several family issues, they became land locked.

They are DONE, so you can see them now.

Named What's eating you (4/16), Hidden beneath the surface (4/24)

and last but not least Vintage memories (5/4)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Vintage memories

You may be wondering what a vintage memory is.

I'm sure somewhere you have one. You know, one of those things you either treasure, try to find, hang onto, when others think you need a one way ticket to the loony bin for keeping such.

I thought of this while wheeling around on my souped up riding lawnmower.

Hey ,so it's not really souped up, but this is the closest this grandma will get to 4 wheeling on her own.

Now ,if we discuss four hoofin' on her own, why that is a horse of another color !

(just check out my farm funnies blog)

The iron wheels in the photo above are a vintage memory of one of my Grandpas, I have several vintage memories. One is a rocking horse cookie jar. Another is a melted Sweet Sue doll I treasured all my growing up years.

Sweet Sue is melted, because we had a house fire several years ago what can I say?...she melted.
One tangible vintage memory, I had to let "go".

Dare I tell you I actually buried her remains? She was such a devoted friend and travel companion, she bravely accompanied me on nearly all my travels as a child (a few times she was "packed" and had to suffer the "indignities" in a box at my Grandma's, Sweet sue dolls couldn't fly to Alaska, for instance. As silly as it may be to others, I simply couldn't bear the thought of putting her in the garbage or hauling her in a pile scheduled for the dump. Yep ,she got to rest her "weary" remains, in a very pleasant "spot" under a special tree.

I was thinking of such things as I "roared" past my future lawn seat. Something I envision from a unique rig my Dad had concocted to drag behind an old car ,to level the ground after disking it up (now part of where I was mowing, many many years later. I thought how no one on the planet, would treasure that item, or see the hidden potential in it. I thought yep, others would have hauled it away. I further thought I couldn't bear too, and why was that? Lap number 2 on the lawn and THEN I realized a golden truth,

On my second third or fourth "run about'. I could let go, I really could. Aha, I thought .
Growth, healing, has happened. I suddenly was actually realizing it wasn't the memories I would "lose". I will always have such. It is the lost dreams. ( you know, the woulda,coulda,shoulda)

To part with something that holds a memory/dream, sometimes a distortion can occur. I wanted things to be different with my Dad, it was never going to happen (well short of a miracle, and yes I do believe in them) but now that he has been gone for almost 17 years, it truly, just will never be.

Now ,I am not consciously dwelling on such, just reflecting and well perhaps even ignoring such most of the time. However, I think some of this "stuff" lingers just under the surface of our conscious thoughts, , it depends on how we have dealt with them, that various problems may occur.

Herein lies the tragedy, we wish,long for , dwell on, or even "put" such out of mind (well ,can't be done, but we think it is) and we miss something of value.

.......NOW..... and now ,is the start of tomorrow.

Yes ,I will keep that future lawn seat, I can see it in my mind . But I now have different reasons, now , I don't have to, I don't need to hold onto what was never there, nor was ever going to be there. As the saying goes, I will carpe 'diem , every single moment we have left on this planet as pie al'a mode. Even if there is a bit of rain, we can dance and sing in the rain. (and hubby knows this gal still loves to splash in puddles too)

Look at some of your vintage,antiquated "memories".

Are they memories, or unfulfilled wishes?

Getting the right picture, putting it in perspective, then DOING what is needed.

Perhaps some of those "memories" need to be put AWAY, perhaps some need to be filled with forgiveness. Only when we forgive can we be free. Perhaps a few may need some restitution, or even an old fashioned repentant heart. Most of all, look at what you really want, what your dreams and goals really are, then have a pie al'amode day and go forward.

May your days be golden, full of wonder, renewal, healing .

Cut away the old anchor to a vintage past of empty ,fruitless, distorted "dreams" ,unfurl the sail to the winds of thew future ahead of you, to what can be, I know you can do it :-)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

hidden...beneath the surface....

Mrs. Puddles, is almost underground, out of sight, soon to be hidden from view.....

She reminds me of something I have been ...well those who know me or have read previous post, will understand........RUMINATING on............(perhaps pondering would be a better choice of words, but since I love cows, ruminating , it is :-)...............)

Dealing with unpleasantness, difficult tasks, hard decisions, heartaches, BIG MISTAKES,

and even what is not to popular in today's culture.....the 3 letter word..........s-i-n............
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sin++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

It is easier to avoid,procrastinate,delay,avoid,pretend it didn't happen,even have remorse..
but none of these "options" deal with the core issue...........and until the core issue is dealt with, it is like removing a sliver, only days later to still have pain and discover you have to "dig" deeper and remove a tiny tip, that somehow broke off............this I believe is is what is seldom discussed, promoted or encouraged,


Being remorseful, admitting one did something, even saying sorry does not deal with the broken unrepentant attitude............

OK so what is repentance???

It is more than just wishing "it"hadn't happened....

It is agreeing , and I personally believe, agreeing with God according to the Bible and I'm talking the King James kind...about whatever it is.....this can even be thoughts...........

So for me

step #1 would be, ooh I did/said/thought what is against what YOU (God) say I should.............

look up an earlier post about Love....this would give an idea of what we should be living like...

Step #2 that is wrong, I am really so sorry, I hurt YOU (God)when I did or said or thought that...

Step # 3 I ask Your forgiveness, and Your Mercy, and thank you for that

Step #4 Help me do a 180 degree turn from that, I do not want to do that again,

if this is an ingrained "habit" it may take a repeat of step 1-4 every minute even, especially if this is

in the thought life...........(bad words is an example, it may take time to stop using them...)

Step # 5 I will change my actions (remove temptations, whatever the source.... if you don't want to spend

money don't go shopping.......)

Step # 6 Make restitution..............some "actions" may necessitate paying the price... if you break the law

you do the "time" if you hurt someone, you need to make it right....whatever the action replace it

with something good........Our children had to think of nice things to say, when they said something


find a copy of a little book George Washington carried and studied from, it is called Laws of civility, even if they sound a bit outdated, the principals are still good....

perhaps if you have had something "gnawing "away at you, taking out the broken tip, of the "splitter" will

release you, and give you freedom.........

We are complex are we not ???? but let's not go underground like Mrs. Puddles and think we've DONE all that needs to be done.............until we have DONE the right things................then you can go underground for a bit and heal and VIOLA' the sun will come out...............

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Only one day to live....Grandma gets a shiner...

Who was the unsinkable Molly Brown????

What difference does a day make ????

Does it really matter what we do,think,choose, say ????

I was recently asked ,what would I do if I only had one day to live ???

I was asked this question , due to my being a health coach for weight loss and nutrition,

I had an answer at the time, and I have given it much thought since then.....

What about you, you only have one day to live what would you do?????

I thought this would be a good place to share a photo of a recent shiner I received. It was from a guy named Hershey Tyee..............yep ...he was big,strong, hairy.......gorgeous........
he is one of my Alpaca boys

He "gave" it to me, just in time to lend some color to my Easter outfit!!!!!

Here is the thing...It really swelled up, it hurt a lot, and it did for some time....even my eye hurt
But I was thankful............WHY??????

Because Hershey missed........he missed my eye(though that is where all the lovely colors showed up.......... he missed my temple........he missed a spot slightly above my eyebrow bone..(where the kick resonated).... this spot is still tender from several years earlier ...where I had a blow to the forehead, I seriously think I cracked the bone....

This photo seemed to epitimise, life is fleet, it is as a flower, that quickly fades....
We never know what a day holds for us, so every breath we have is a wonder.............

Now would I choose to live differently, with only one day left????

The core question, if life is hard, why not enjoy some simple pleasures............

Having a battle with weight, and only one day to live...why not indulge in those yummies..........instead of being committed to our 5&1 ???? You want to succeed in a business,raising a family or??, why try, work, do , if there is only a day left ???

Here is my answer.....each day we have is a blessing. I like the way Mary O' Hara told Ken in My Friend Flicka, Thunderhead or was it The Green Grass of Wyoming. Life is like a big gymnasium...we are in training,getting in shape for our home in does a day matter ???? Possibly a glitch , or even one day wouldn't , but one day can become one more easy. Do we really know our "time"...........How well do I want to run my race???? I would hope I would do as I planned,picking myself up if I ran into a land mine and get outta there... I remember running a race with gusto as a child, I was so excited ..I was the little chubby, in the lead WOW, not understanding the need for staying power to finish........I did finish but miserably and pitifully very, very, very......last and very deflated in spirit........I was laughed at by all, not even a teacher helped me to understand, except that I had to finish,which actually ended up teaching me a kids on the block learn many things the hard way,on their own...........For my life's race, I want to "place well" I want to be have staying power....that takes discipline, and training., being ready, and willingness to climb out of a pothole or continue when hit by one of life's grenades... and no excuses (to "stay" there.)...............

When one has goals/commitments,responsibilities, whatever they be..even if they are only for oneself ....they are worth doing to the best of our ability......Yes we may hit that pothole, yes we may get a "shiner" yes, it may be dark and dreary, yes, we may think no one may "ever" know.......... by the is what one does alone,that reveals the true measure of oneself..........( I wish I could remember the famous quote to this.........) which it is one thing to be "hit" ,fall in, even struggle to get up, it is another to deliberately choose to get in a pothole and stay is also okay to have someone give you a helping tug out...

So what about you...........

Only one precious GOLDEN day left ........

how will you choose to live today ???

Will you be accountable to yourself, or someone you trust???? for doing whatever it takes to reach your goal/s ,finish the job/task/assignment???? Do it just .........ONE DAY at a time...........:-)

Many Blessings...........

Oh and thanks Hershey for missing... Actually a Big THANKS to God for His protection....

As a man thinketh in his heart

golden things to remenber,along with the GOLDEN RULE

1. No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.
2. Most people will be about as happy as they decide to be.
3. Others can stop you temporarily, but only YOU can do it permanently.
4. Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.
5. Success stops when you do.
6. When your ship comes in...make sure you are willing to unload it.
7. You will never "have it all together."
8. Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip.
9. The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want, I will be happy.
10. The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
11. I've learned that ultimately, "takers' lose and "givers" win.
12. Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.
13. If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.
14. We often fear the thing we want the most.
15. He or she who laughs......lasts.
16. Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
17. Look for opportunities...not guarantees.
18. Life is what's coming..not what was.
19. Success is getting up one more time.
20. Now is the most interesting time of all.
21. When things go wrong...don't go with the flow.
22. Last but not least: "Always know and remember God is Almighty and in control
the Johnny Jump ups are in my gardern,
Thank you Charlene for the forward you sent me with these 22 things to remember....
give Angel a hug from me :-)
(author unknown)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What is eating you????


OK, you find yourself doing exactly what you don't want to do...

Your intentions are good, you have said that's IT... I am on my way.

For many of us , this may mean making healthier food choices, losing weight, being consistent with our exercise,breaking bad habits, taking daily consistent action, towards a goal, perhaps not using shopping,food,oh here's a good one, time spent watching mindless tv, or how about surfing the internet, when there is that ? we planned to DO. All these "things" can be a "fix"... after all we need the good choices for life, not (life, serving us past issues, we "solve" with comfort, "stuff" for easing of "pain","hurt" "sorrow") so STOP. Listen to the little voices.

Are they telling the Truth?

Perhaps the voices are just Riddle a broken record. A warped "tune" ,someone else tossed our way. It hit us on the noggin' got "stuck" and we've either not figured out it was there, how to dislodge it, or that it is actually a bad record,one that needs to be tossed out...

I know I've mentioned it before, but a change in orientation, is what is needed.

You know the STOP, LOOK (beneath the surface) Listen (who ,what ,is being said,why)

Shift your focus, only listen to the voices that tell you what is good,pure,true. If they are not there, then take a few moments and write out a few. Read them out load to yourself in the morning, before you go to bed, keep them on a note card, and when you start catching the mean widdle kid , talkin' ,then haul out the note card and say uh uh, THIS is what is TRUE !

Good luck, have some fun with it.

You will start to hear the good voices.

Yep the mean widdle kid one, may do a bit of hollering,and wild clamoring, and even get tricky, but keep at it.

Before you know it, just like ROCKY da da da da ta da ta da, the good voices will start getting louder :-).

You can and will win... (if you choose to).

Just have some faith, determination, patience , a bit of mind "elbow grease" perhaps even a 180 degree turn about (read the hidden beneath the surface post for more info)

Asking for a bit of help, from a trusted good friend, may help you.

One of my favorite transforming and support "systems" : I love singing,the old fashioned hymns, the ones with "meat" in them, to remind me of my goal , to be more like Christ.

Viola, His attributes are listed in most of these gems, how easy is that ?